This is Karen's Typepad Profile.
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Who I am: Sometimes blonde, sometimes brunette, more and more grey - born and raised in PA; overweight outside but a skinny person on the inside! I like to read, knit, bead, decorate, listen to music and be with my family. I do not like cleaning, doing laundry, grocery shopping or people who lie. When I grow up I want to be anything but an ACCOUNTANT! Maybe I'll be a gardener or artist...someday...when I grow up. What I love being is a mom and wife and daughter and sister and friend and now new grandmother (mimi).
Interests: knitting, gardening, soccer, sewing, spending time with my family
Recent Activity
We are hanging in. Since work keeps us both very busy - even from home - our week days really are not much different. I have approached this time as a way to take care of myself. I am determined not to gain the quarantine 15. I am eating nearly 100% vegetarian and dairy and gluten free. I have learned that despite long days I can make time for me. My salvation has been fresh air - despite the rain, cold and sometimes snow. I walk nearly every day and am making time for early morning workouts 4 days a week. Two things have been really hard for me - not seeing family (although zoom is great!) and going grocery shopping - which puts my anxiety over the edge. Stay safe!
The Days . . . They Fly: A Random Post
I am feeling more . . . I don't know, I guess . . . settled . . . with my new pandemic life. Disturbed, surely. Still very sad. But feeling more . . . purposeful of late. (Still not good. But also not that freefall kind of feeling I had at first.) So. Progress? How about YOU? (Tom made bagel...
What Will We Learn
A friend posted this article on Facebook the other day. It is so true and really makes you think about what is really important and what we will take away from this crisis. One paragraph in particular hit me hard.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2020 at Pick Up Sticks
New Reality
We have been following the shelter in place order here in PA very seriously. We really have not gone anywhere in 2 weeks. My husband is the one who has been going to the grocery store. But our last visit... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2020 at Pick Up Sticks
TGIF...although it probably won't seem much different than Thursday. I need to find ways to amuse myself. I have seen lots of my knitting friends talk about new projects and how much they are getting done. But I have barely... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2020 at Pick Up Sticks
Day 20
Anyone else counting the days? I am sure we all are. It is so unreal. I have stopped watching the updates in the news after our governor said in a news conference "There are some people you will never see... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2020 at Pick Up Sticks
It's Been a While
It's been quite a while...but I'm here, we are healthy and trying to navigate all of the craziness in the world right now. As everyone, my days are really different right now. I am working remotely - about 90% -... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2020 at Pick Up Sticks
Sunday Evening
Eeking out every last bit of the weekend. Not much of a weekend as I worked both days...but it's a gorgeous evening and I'm going to just sit here and read a bit. The weekend started great on Friday night... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2019 at Pick Up Sticks
3 years - Really?!?!?
I knew I hadn't blogged in a while, but I never thought it had been three years. So much has happened. I think I got tired of blogging because so many blogs only show the "good side" of life. But... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2019 at Pick Up Sticks
Thanks! I went home last night to half a floor with the other half happening today. So maybe we will be ok for the weekend after all.
This was an exhausting weekend. I spent Saturday doing yard work for 3 hours then painting. We are in the midst of a home that is taking way too long. Our contractor is a friend of ours. Because of this it is easy to allow him free access to the house while we're at work. ...
There is nothing like the routine of home - that is for sure!
ten on tuesday | welcome home! ...
The only thing - at least in my book - that beats the excitement of going away on vacation is coming home! And that is the subject of this week's Ten on Tuesday prompt from Carole: Share our top ten faves for arriving home; here are mine: Sleeping in my bed. Gets the #1 spot everytime......
10 on Tuesday
Carole's prompt for 10 on Tuesday this week is 10 Things You Miss About Your Home When You Are Away. We have been taking lots of long weekends away - for camping, kayaking and visiting our sons, DILs and grands.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2016 at Pick Up Sticks
This was an exhausting weekend. I spent Saturday doing yard work for 3 hours then painting. We are in the midst of a home that is taking way too long. Our contractor is a friend of ours. Because of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2016 at Pick Up Sticks
Fall Garden Goals
I am renewing this blog that I started years ago. I so love to garden and have neglected my garden the past few summers - for a variety of reasons - bad knees, terribly hot and humid weather, and the biggest one - pure laziness. But because I enjoy it so much I want to get back to doing a better job keeping up with it. I tend to do great in the spring and early summer but come August I give up. Here are some of my fall garden goals. Remove things that are not looking great. Some plants... Continue reading
Posted Aug 25, 2016 at In the garden
I have to be organized because I typically work 6:30 am until 6:00 pm. If I wasnt we would not eat very well.
Weekend Cooking
I've said this a million times on the blog - because I work really long hours during the week (hello - 60 hours minimum) I tend to cook on Sunday for the week. If I didn't we would either eat out a lot or not eat until 9 pm - neither which are very healthy. I am lucky that my husband doesn't m...
Weekend Cooking
I've said this a million times on the blog - because I work really long hours during the week (hello - 60 hours minimum) I tend to cook on Sunday for the week. If I didn't we would either eat... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2016 at Pick Up Sticks
I so look forward to weekends - especially ones where every minute isn't busy. With our sons living in opposite directions (one 3 hours NE and one 4.5 hours south) we are seeing lots of travel on weekends in our... Continue reading
Posted Aug 22, 2016 at Pick Up Sticks
That color is lovely! It is terribly hot in PA as well. Stay cool!
inch by inch...
Yesterday - I went to IKEA. Once home, I relaxed : watched the news; bits and pieces of Hedy Lamar films on TCM; the Olympics...and knitted. T'was a peaceful, non-demanding way to end a day. Today, hotter yet... a quilting friend and I are going to the exhibit at the Tex...
Luckily she saw the bear before leaving for a walk and not during as the dogs would have taken off and maybe pulled her down! They regularly see bears - and deer and turkeys and fox....
What a beautiful weekend! We headed north near where our son and DIL live for a long weekend away. We had hoped that our newest granddaughter would be born while we were up there but she was stubborn and wasn't ready to join the world yet. Our poor DIL is so ready! We made the best of our time...
I typically do not go back and look at blog posts after published. I use to get emails when someone commented but lately hadn't received any. I honestly thought no one was reading and commenting since I am such a... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2016 at Pick Up Sticks
You are so right! Even breezy summery dresses make me feel a bit more polished at work.
10 on Tuesday
Carole's prompt for this week's 10 on Tuesday is very appropriate - 10 Ways to Beat the Heat. I think that is the biggest topic of conversation around here - as we are headed into day 5 or so of 90+ degree weather with more this coming week. and since I HATE heat and humidity I always have some...
I have always avoided dresses - but am finding them so comfortable and easy to wear.
10 on Tuesday
Carole's prompt for this week's 10 on Tuesday is very appropriate - 10 Ways to Beat the Heat. I think that is the biggest topic of conversation around here - as we are headed into day 5 or so of 90+ degree weather with more this coming week. and since I HATE heat and humidity I always have some...
I believe you are in the same boat weatherize as me in PA. We tend to have similar weather conditions to your area.
10 on Tuesday
Carole's prompt for this week's 10 on Tuesday is very appropriate - 10 Ways to Beat the Heat. I think that is the biggest topic of conversation around here - as we are headed into day 5 or so of 90+ degree weather with more this coming week. and since I HATE heat and humidity I always have some...
We have window units - but they do not do the same job as central AC. Plus they are loud!!! We survive.
10 on Tuesday
Carole's prompt for this week's 10 on Tuesday is very appropriate - 10 Ways to Beat the Heat. I think that is the biggest topic of conversation around here - as we are headed into day 5 or so of 90+ degree weather with more this coming week. and since I HATE heat and humidity I always have some...
It was cooler - 70s during the day and 50s at night - plus little humidity!
10 on Tuesday
Carole's prompt for this week's 10 on Tuesday is very appropriate - 10 Ways to Beat the Heat. I think that is the biggest topic of conversation around here - as we are headed into day 5 or so of 90+ degree weather with more this coming week. and since I HATE heat and humidity I always have some...
I really hate sleeping in AC especially since the window units we have are loud. We escaped the heat of Pa last week to NH and VT. It was in the 50s at night!
10 on Tuesday
Carole's prompt for this week's 10 on Tuesday is very appropriate - 10 Ways to Beat the Heat. I think that is the biggest topic of conversation around here - as we are headed into day 5 or so of 90+ degree weather with more this coming week. and since I HATE heat and humidity I always have some...
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