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Heather Harrington
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Good job Josh, lots of words but all of them were very good. Thanks for your insight.
Very well said my dear.
Toggle Commented Sep 16, 2014 on Victory and Lifestyle at SWITCH 180 Daily
Well done Jasmine, I really like the way you brought the two scriptures together.
Toggle Commented Sep 1, 2014 on Listening at SWITCH 180 Daily
Good word!! Well stated
Toggle Commented Nov 26, 2013 on Jesus is #1, duhhhh! at SWITCH 180 Daily
This is awesome to read as I used to babysit for Charlie and Matthew. So glad that you got to talk to them and their parents. Put a smile in my heart to read this post.
Toggle Commented May 16, 2013 on Does God Care? at Bobby Lepinay
Thank you for reminding me about this method of study. I remember when PB first said it to us, and I really like it. Have a blessed day one and all.
Toggle Commented Mar 4, 2013 on S.O.A.P. it up at SWITCH 180 Daily
As many times as I have read this passage, I have never gotten such insite out of it. thank you so very much. Love this
Toggle Commented Jan 16, 2013 on Tomorrow at Bobby Lepinay
AMEN!!!! The best way I can think to close out a year, remembering that Christ is ALIVE and had Risen. Blessings to all.
I love being reminded that when I help strangers I may be working with angels. This gives me a warm feeling of joy.
I love the reminder that we can ALWAYS go to God with anything. And we have to remember that He knows anyways, so you might as well confess or give or ask Him . He is always there in all things.
I like the image that "rain" of wisdom falling gives to me. I love when there is a lite rain and the way that it makes me feel completely washed. And when we think about God"s rain that we also are gaining wisdom. Love it
Toggle Commented Nov 26, 2012 on Rain on us at SWITCH 180 Daily
So excited for this. Will pray continually for all of them. Can't wait to see all the good for God that will come from this.
Toggle Commented Nov 20, 2012 on My Thoughts on Outreach at Bobby Lepinay
LOVE it!!! I love being reminded that God is in control now and till the end. HE's got this. WOW!!!
Toggle Commented Nov 19, 2012 on The giving proverb at SWITCH 180 Daily
I love the way you write. And totally agree with Chelsey I won't want to be God, but am so glad that I can bring all my sins to Him and He will save me.
I am so thankful for His patience, because of it I have hope for those I love that don't know Him. We need to remember that His timing is perfect.
Love the Glorious Joy, that so often has sustained me in so many ways. Our God rocks. For the little things and the big He gives us Joy and will give you peace to go with it.
love that we get to fellowship together. The word is such an awesome catalist to fellowship together with. Thanks.
Good word, love when God gives us meat to chew on. thanks for sharing this today.
I love that no one recognized Christ until He called them by name. To me its saying that even we don't know who He is He still knows us, even by name.
Awesome word, Love that no matter what Jesus says bring it to me. Think about the worst thing you could do and if you truly ask for forgiveness Christ will honor it. He truly is awesome. Thanks for the reminder big H.
Awesome word my brother, thank you...
Toggle Commented May 30, 2012 on Prayer= The power to spare at SWITCH 180 Daily
awesome, I love that God Does Always give us a way out. He is always looking out for our best interest.
That was awesome, it really made me realize a lot of what I need to do and am not doing with those in my life that are not saved.
Truly enjoyed reading this, love the way you outlined it.
Toggle Commented Sep 5, 2011 on Jesus Is Born!! at SWITCH 180 Daily