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Rowena Hehanussa
It is the magic that begins the happily ever after ºOº
Interests: Disney, Stationary, Lomography, Designer toys, Gadgets, Travel, Explore, Japan, Tokyo, Auckland, New Zealand, Amsterdam
Recent Activity
Lomography in Foam_Lab - Expo - Amsterdam Now
FRIDAY MARCH 5 What am I doing tonight. Well it's Lomo night right here in Amsterdam. I'm taking my Fish Eye and some friends and we're off shooting pictures for the hips. Analog always makes me so curious, because you never know what you're going to get. Very exciting everytime... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at Ro on the explo
Yesterday I was cooking up some new recipes I found online. I actually put the laptop in the kitchen to follow the recipe. Not handy in a small Amsterdam kitchen.
All the recipes I printed are just black and white without a picture and they're all dirty from cooking. Yes I grab them when I have sticky hands...
Anyway this format in PDF is beautifull and handy. Very helpfull in putting up your own customized cooking journal. I do find the space where you can leave you own notes a bit small. And what I was thinking, is it helpfull to provide more images of the steps in the cooking process instead of 1 large image of the end result. The end result should be there, but maybe if there are difficult steps in the cooking process provide those visuals too. Like 1 large image of the end result and max 2-4 imags of the steps... Maybe I'm not making sense, but I was just thinking that might help.
I love the idea and have to start making my own recipe journal soon!
city'super Recipes x Moleskine Passion Recipe Journal - request for comments
At city'super we have literally hundreds of recipes made by star chefs and organized by our executive chef. Many of them made it to the store in printed format for customers to pick up, but shelf life of these recipes are kind of short. People do file them away in their own ways but isn't it s...
Rowena Hehanussa is now following Joy
Feb 26, 2010
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Rowena Hehanussa is now following Tom Fishburne
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Rowena Hehanussa is now following Paris Hilton
Feb 26, 2010
Rowena Hehanussa is now following David Berkowitz
Feb 26, 2010
Rowena Hehanussa is now following heatherbailey
Feb 26, 2010
Rowena Hehanussa is now following Ali Edwards
Feb 26, 2010
Rowena Hehanussa is now following A Beautiful Mess
Feb 26, 2010
Rowena Hehanussa is now following Patrick Ng
Feb 26, 2010
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Feb 26, 2010
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