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I love this book! I want to make all of the adorable plushies in it. Playing with Spoonflower fabric would just make it better. digitalmisfit
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The Cambie dress with the full gathered skirt would be my top choice! I love its modern-vintage style. Picking the Spoonflower fabric would take a lot longer! LOL digitalmisfit
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That is such a sweet and fun collection! I really appreciate it when designers consider the crafter and possible projects when coming up with a collection. I am not a quilter, but I love whimsical patterns for children's clothing, decor, etc. --digitalmisfit
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Anderson Lee: Painted Petals is my favorite collection. The colors and patterns are so versatile and fresh, and the collection very cohesive. I also adore the Valley Designs poppy print. Heidi [email protected]
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I love Kona cottons! Spoonflower + Kona = pure creative bliss! (digitalmisfit)
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Yay! I adore Heidi Kenney's fabric designs. The honey bear is my fave. Her book looks wonderful. Crossing my fingers for a partridge in a pear tree!
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Completely adorable! They are a great find, and I adore shamrocks! I am most looking forward to spring for the extra daylight hours and green grass starting to appear. I am quite tired of this white stuff (and the necessary brown dirty stuff that makes driving and walking on the white stuff possible). hugs, Heidi
digitalmisfit is now following Snifferooski
Feb 8, 2011
digitalmisfit is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 8, 2010