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Oooh golly, that has made me laugh (in a nice way). Thank you very much, I'm honoured to have a mention and I'm so pleased that my little sewingy/crafty world has inspired you. But you know, if we're to be friends, I don't even know your name!
Hen x
Oh My Goodness, it's Hen!
I'm so excited. I only noticed yesterday. I'm really chuffed. Hen from Henhouse Homemade is following me. I am delighted. I love her blog so much. Yes, she and her blog fall into my "crush" category. Such an inspiration. She really get's me off my backside and on to my sewing machine in ...
Hello there!
Thanks very much for mentioning my little blog and for your kind words about it. Your pin cushion has turned out to be really lovely (tempting to make a whole array, don't you think?) The cake is fabulous, you are obviously a woman of many talents. Why don't I have friends with useful talents like you?! Loved seeing the Nelly Moser, it's the clematis I always remember from my childhood. Like they say, an old'un and a good'un.
Hen x
Petal Power!
Here is the finished article! Amazing how having a blog can galvanise one into action. I'm quite surprised that I said I'd do it and I did it, right away. No procrastinating. Just ignore the stray cotton, I didn't spot that before I took the photo's, stupidly and now it's all rainy out... is now following The cuckoo is a pretty bird
Jun 1, 2010 is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 1, 2010
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