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Oooh golly, that has made me laugh (in a nice way). Thank you very much, I'm honoured to have a mention and I'm so pleased that my little sewingy/crafty world has inspired you. But you know, if we're to be friends, I don't even know your name! Hen x
Hello there! Thanks very much for mentioning my little blog and for your kind words about it. Your pin cushion has turned out to be really lovely (tempting to make a whole array, don't you think?) The cake is fabulous, you are obviously a woman of many talents. Why don't I have friends with useful talents like you?! Loved seeing the Nelly Moser, it's the clematis I always remember from my childhood. Like they say, an old'un and a good'un. Hen x
Toggle Commented Jun 1, 2010 on Petal Power! at The cuckoo is a pretty bird is now following The cuckoo is a pretty bird
Jun 1, 2010 is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 1, 2010