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Henrietta Zielinski
Recent Activity
recycling containment - that which contained will now provide.
Reflection on a life in progress
On the wall today. As I reflect on life and baskets. Yesterday I chopped up the bed frame to use for firewood. And put the mattress on the floor. I feel more grounded somehow. It is good exercise to get up and down anyway. Tomorrow I will chop up the dresser and put the clothes in b...
Henrietta Zielinski added a favorite at Spirit Cloth
Feb 27, 2013
today i wondered if life is a verb or a noun. no need to explain we know you from more then just words...stay balanced ala tight rope walker style with the -brella, yea. x
A rainy day...
Couldn't help but notice the umbrella star was formed by multiple pairs of wings. And the persistent pain of a turned ankle. And mom's labored breathing. And everything really. Noticing it all. But with some heightened sense of appreciation. I hope I explained that right. Actually, I...
i am drifting. did you ever wonder if you could...
i am drifting. did you ever wonder if you could make a living producing something that is your true voice? the kind , most likely, that no one would ever understand too easily. you know, no marketing, no offer of anything familiar or anything like that. would you go there,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2011 at Henrietta Zielinski's blog
Hi Jude. I put a hint hint to Jude in my reply to Doris above so as you have "many things in your head" maybe you could include this one too. Sharing is what makes us come here/hear...showing emotions I feel is one of the things that defines us as human/vulnerable.
the birth of coma 2
i am drifting. did you ever wonder if you could make a living producing something that is your true voice? the kind , most likely, that no one would ever understand too easily. you know, no marketing, no offer of anything familiar or anything like that. would you go there, just to see? ma...
Doris, I took a while to reply to you comment...I read it very early this morning and maybe it was the pre-caffeine brain but I actually teared up. I was a librarian for 30 years at the same library...leaving made me so lost...the first few times I went back, still cleaning out my office, btw, I cried everytime. That and taking care of my parents has been all I've know most of my life. I also know that my mother will someday meet up with all those people that have left her, I know that it will be time to start again...I'll have to. So yes, we have a similar story. I was am fulfilled and had dreams that maybe someday will happen. Being fulfilled I think and living the life imaged (dreams) are not the same. Books make me crazy that is why I became a Librarian. I love the touch, smell, feel of the page/paper/words. I am also a binder so I understand the under laying structure of the object. I think being here at diaries provides a very similar experience for me. I wish Jude would do that on-site workshop in the woods near her house. It would be a delicious experience to sit, stitch, down beverages of choice, and bitch about living...Hint, hint, Jude. Take care Doris. I hope you wander over to my blog someday. I have a picture of my mom there. You can see my little treasure.
the birth of coma 2
i am drifting. did you ever wonder if you could make a living producing something that is your true voice? the kind , most likely, that no one would ever understand too easily. you know, no marketing, no offer of anything familiar or anything like that. would you go there, just to see? ma...
Man WAS has a very human like shadow. Must be one of her past lives. hmmm creation at it best.
november soup
this morning there is a bit of fog. colored fog. fog is sort of dark and light at the same time. and i intend to go walk in it. yesterday i hung some dyed silk on the studio window. it made it seem foggy even though it wasn't. and that had me thinking. oh too late. while i was posting, the...
this is really moving along Grace. It's so big when I think about what I'm doing, ha. Anyway, I really like the addition of the lines and the thinner pieces...really adds to the dimension and moves.
i found the little blouse. the one that has the pattern on it that i need to draw so i can stop thinking about how someday soon, i will run out of it, use it up. maybe that's why i lose it so often, why it sometimes just can't be found, but then, is. so there it is, hovering at the top of...
Every time I read one of Jude's update I just think about how my vision is altered. I think besides filling in gaps you also see better, more, then a lot of people. You are a true bricoleur/maker of bricolage. Warms the heart...
feather friday in november
while walking i came upon some leaves. at the same time i was thinking of feathers. then i thought leaves of a feather might float together. deb's dyed cloth is perfect for colored leaves. her spirit and generosity are like the seasons to me. i am creating a category for resou...
yes, days should be thought of as holding promise...we have to wish for that, even though they don't always arrive. small but important piece/peace.
and so....
there was no napping today. just some coffee with mom. and i found myself frantically stitching. imposing order on cloth. and i feel fine. and peace came to the land is a small cloth filled with promise.
I just vacuumed yesterday. I sucked up so much potential vision! Yes, we just have to see....we miss sometimes by looking and not seeing.
seeing and then Seeing
sitting infront of the woodstove, waiting for that moment when the heat is "enough" ....seeing the images from Jude's post Under Glass in my mind, thinking. staring at the floor and seeing how it's time to vacuum, and that stringy thread amidst the dog hairs. then, Seeing the woman hal...
SEEing and reflecting. Reflecting in it's so many and varied forms of meaning. Jude reflects on what she sees and then we reflect on seeing...and it goes around like that circle in the bottom most picture. I've missed this...this reflecting back on and off each other. So good to have these streams of thought flowing again. I like the "real time" double exposure. So important to distinguish real from non-real. Going to make this a stitching day...ah a sigh with peace and joy.
Yes, very FINE.
under glass
good morning. i don't really enjoy things when they cannot be touched. but i have been thinking about light and dark lately. the patterns that occur through observation, reflections. shadow, exposure. layers of light and dark. so i have been putting things under glass. and taking pictures. ...
This is a little amusing to me. I did a post today over on me old blog...about discipline and one of the lines read, "and Jude sews in her sleep." Serendipity. Good to see you stitching and I was wondering how you would continue with the little piece you posted and few I now, a new growing walnut.
natural order revisited
so i am back however that had to happen, even if it means not sleeping. stitching at night. because i need to. understanding the order that comes from looking closer at the gaps between moments. letting order and chaos meet. playing the nine patch game to lighten heart. and this morning ...
Jude, thank you for sending friends to visit. Good to be finally able to share.
blog break break
boo. and just let me say, this is not a vacation, and house guests are becoming sick with flu. and well, happy halloween. and there was no snow. but it is very cold. see you later. and...i really like this new blog
The weave of the top fabric, brown, looks like little patch-works. Tis that time of year, isn't it?! Change.
it's october. i will be thinking a bit about color before everything turns brown. and it will. there was a cricket party in the studio last night. i gently encouraged them to relocate. a girl's gotta sleep. i really like this.
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