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awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thanks man! Much love ! you're my brother from another mother! keep on keepin on!
A Response to an Uninformed Person
Before reading my response, please read this article about tattooed women and their lack of class. Dear Miss Khoury, I read your article a moment ago about women and tattoos. I disagree with you on a number of points and I feel that you have made some unfair assumptions about some peop...
Merry rum pa pum pum. Bing Crosby must have fired his agent after shooting this with David Bowie.
Merry Christmas from Groove Sandwich
Jeff Higgins is the Founder of Groove Sandwich and he wishes everyone a wonderful Christmas and a new year that's initially fantastic and filled with hope but quickly fades into unrelenting disappointment and sorrow by mid-February. When that happens, Groove Sandwich will be here to lift your...
What are they doing with those ice cream cones..awwwww...nevermind
Music Needs Borders
Many cultures on Earth developed music independently of each other. Other cultures adopted the music of a neighboring people and as they played it, it evolved into something distinctly their own. There was a richness to the sounds that came from every corner of the globe. Here in the beginni...
Now this is some noise!
Holy Speak and Spell, Batman!
As you’re all aware, ladies and gents, I’m a big fan of discovering new sounds. One endeavor in particular that I’m fascinated with is circuit bending which is the act of taking an electronic device and modifying its circuits to produce all sorts of wild sounds. It’s seen as a serious musical pu...
They got some mad moovezs!
So, this exists.
Jeff Higgins is the founder of Groove Sandwich and he has no idea what he just watched.
my life is now complete
The Justin Bieber Singing Toothbrush
I'm not making this up... Am I the only person that finds this product to be deeply inappropriate? Is this really what we want to be teaching our impressionable youth? Do you seriously think this is all about proper dental hygiene? Look people, you have to read between the lines sometimes. I...
go check out the 8-bit rendition of "Friday" pretty good
It's Labor Day, so enjoy some 8-bit madness.
Jack Sparrow and Michael Bolton were meant to be in the same music video.
The Return of Hilarity
Anybody out there love The Lonely Island as much as I do? Enjoy. Jeff Higgins is the founder of Groove Sandwich. All thanks and praise should be sent in the form of Mike and Ikes.
Your best friend calls you and tells you he/she's really sick? How do you show you care?
I like chicken. You can grill it, steam it, chop it, chive it, batter it (with corn flakes, of course), and fry it. It has nice protein in it, and i used to eat the bone marrow out of the bones as a little kid. Science now tells me not to do that. Oh well, that's how I rolled back then. What am i talking about? I didn't "roll" on anything until I was 17 and drove a car. Wait, what was I talking about again? Continue reading
Posted May 14, 2011 at HenryBlazer's blog
HenryBlazer is now following Jeff Higgins
May 14, 2011
HenryBlazer is now following The Typepad Team
May 14, 2011
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