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Hannah Henry
Mer Town.
Interests: softball, reading, writing, architecture, music
Recent Activity
Everything is shit.
I'm in the mood for ranting. This typepad is pointless. Yet I continue to do it. Third day. Yeah. We'll see how long it lasts. Two followers. One isn't even a real thing. The other are fat girls? Oh how lovely. This day was pretty shit. Everything pretty much got on my nerves. I hated everything. And I'm not done yet. Stupid people piss me off. Relationships. Nah. Let's not go there. I always flip out on stuff that I shouldn't flip out on. Making a bigger deal of things then they need to be made of. I realize that... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at Hannah Henry's blog
This typepad is actually rather pointless.
This typepad is actually rather pointless. Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2010 at Hannah Henry's blog
Hannah Henry is now following Trina
Jan 19, 2010
Hannah Henry is now following NYWBC
Jan 19, 2010
Hannah Henry is now following Tim Dierkes
Jan 19, 2010
Hannah Henry is now following DWR
Jan 19, 2010
I find it mildly amusing that I set up a blog that...
I find it mildly amusing that I set up a blog that absolutely no one will read. No one uses this TypePad thing, that I know personally. So what is the use? I guess I'm trying to start a new trend. Me and my trendsetter tactics. We'll see how well it works, eh? Probably won't work worth poo. That's right. I just used the word poo. That is what this day has done to me. I have resulted to using odd phrases and words. Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2010 at Hannah Henry's blog
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