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Paris--from the Midwest(Ohio)--Blackfoot tribe
*only one me in the galaxy
Interests: animals, learning, disney, katherine hepburn, make-up, discovery, reading, writing, sports, love, teaching, musique, people, old movies, the color pink, new things, le francais, *movies, avatar, my planet, *traveling, beauty books, *cultures
Recent Activity
Just saw Avatar for the second time.There was a lot I missed the first time around. I was one of the skeptics about this movie. I generally don't get into things like this, but this movie blew my mind. The visuals, the story, the message, the connection, need I say more? I hope the story continues. Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at Le Depliant *The Flyer*
Brittany is now following AVATAR
Jan 5, 2010
Brittany is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 5, 2010