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Dr. Ayala
Pediatrician, artist, mom and serious home cook, blogs about nutrition and health
Recent Activity
A new analysis of ten popular diets advises which are best for your heart and wellbeing Continue reading
Many chronic diseases are attributable, at least in part, to diet, chief among them is type 2 diabetes. How much of the disease id driven by diet? Which foods are to blame? Continue reading
Physical activity is linked with a healthy microbiome, especially among normal weight people, here's why it matters Continue reading
Teaching cooking skills is an important method for improving eating habits, but what kind of cooking should be emphasized in these lessons? Continue reading
The carbon footprint of several popular diets was assessed: the keto and paleo diets emit four times more than plant-forward eating patterns Continue reading
People consuming more than two sugary drinks a day had greater odds of developing dementia, regardless of genetic risk factors Continue reading
Good food may give you beauty from within, and is probably at least as effective as the expensive creams in the market. Continue reading
The most important thing is to exercise – time and type of exercise matter less – and even if there’s no effect on weight whatsoever. The best exercise is the one you can stick to. Continue reading
The holiday season’s aromatic traditions are a reminder of the importance of spices and herbs. They elevate foods’ flavor into the extraordinary with rich, complex flavors, they bring faraway worlds and memories to the table. They can also play an important part in wellness. Continue reading
We’re encouraged to limit sugar and sweeteners in our diet, but what about honey? Is it better than refined sugar? Continue reading
There’s a large body of evidence showing that positivity enhances mental and physical well being -- food gratitude is this practice at its best. Food should really be our constant reminder of how lucky we are for the bounties of nature, for the nourishment that comes from the sun and the earth and from the labor of all who participate in the vast network that makes our every coffee cup, slice of bread, and every morsel of food. Continue reading
Obesity is the result of the foods we humans make, and the overfeeding on these foods, but rather than wait for a magic cure, what's needed is need culinary retraining Continue reading
Late night eating is associated with weight gain and overeating, a carefully designed study shows why this may be more than just an association Continue reading
A study scanning pregnant women using 4D ultrasound after exposing them to vegetables showed smiling fetuses after exposure to carrots, and “cry-faces” after mom-to-be ate kale Continue reading
Do the microbes living in our gut affect how our body deals with sugars and our susceptibility to type 2 diabetes? A new study examines 45 relevant studies tying specific gut bacteria to sugar metabolism Continue reading
Exercise is recommended for everyone, for fitness’ sake, and definitely for people trying to lose weight. It may play an especially crucial role for a subset of people. Continue reading
Enticing highly processed foods rose by 20 percent in three decades and now make up 70 percent of available foods in the US according to a new study Continue reading
Moving from a high to a low emitting diet would result in 24,000 lives saved a year, which is 2 percent less deaths in the US according to a new study. Continue reading
A new study shows that contrary to beliefs, most weight is gained when you’re young Continue reading
A new study suggests that the health of the planet is negatively affected by the high protein diet trend. Our personal health may suffer too. Continue reading
People want to fill nutritional gaps in their diet and optimize their health, and vitamin and supplement products promise effortless prevention, enhancement, beauty and stamina -- but do they actually help? Continue reading
Weight misperception is widespread -- with many of us not seeing extra weight in ourselves and our loved ones -- and we underestimate how much we eat Continue reading
Big data in the hands of junk food brands brings consumer behavior nudging to the next level -- resisting the lure of tempting food becomes even harder Continue reading
Healthy diets such as the Mediterranean diet are associated with lower rates of dementia, Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline; a new clinical trail puts polyphenol-rich foods to the test Continue reading
Is intermittent fasting more than just a way to cut caloric intake? A new study puts it to a long-term, randomized test. Continue reading