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I WANT MY FUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Withering and Runaway Puppies Temporarily Turned Off!
Howdy Farmers! We have fixed most of our technical issues. We will leave wither turned off and your puppies will not run away until at least 8:00am PDT tomorrow morning. Thank you for your patience! Play FarmVille Now:
I chose to be rewarded with 40 tanks of gas because neighbors took bushels from the farmers market. I got NOTHING> They are LOST! it isn't fair!! I've lost things in the past, and have never complained... but 40 tanks of gas is A LOT of gas to lose, after looking forward to it. Especially after being able to choose what I wanted (an idea I like, btw)... but where is my gas????? I'd really like it so that I can finish collecting my ribbons for using my Seeder. Can I get them back please? Isn't there any way??? PLEASE
Withering and Runaway Puppies Temporarily Turned Off!
Howdy Farmers! We have fixed most of our technical issues. We will leave wither turned off and your puppies will not run away until at least 8:00am PDT tomorrow morning. Thank you for your patience! Play FarmVille Now:
Hevenzsweetkiss is now following The Typepad Team
May 29, 2010
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