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Still discovering and learning how much there is to know and how much I still have to rely on faith
Interests: Spirituality, yoga, spending time with my family, painting, reading
Recent Activity
My hope
Today is the day that I always dread. The day my mom was taken from us because of someone else’s choice. I took the day off from work, as I always do, but this time with more guilt. My projects and teams are extremely busy due to the coronavirus pandemic... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2020 at My grief journey
10 Years
Ten years... It seems like a long time but it was gone in the blink of an eye The hurt is duller, but once in awhile I’ll feel the sharp pain It usually comes when I see moms, daughters and granddaughters together Especially at my daughter’s events. I’ll smile politely;... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2019 at My grief journey
Convenience Over Lives
Next month will be 10 years since my mom was killed. I hate this time of year… not only because of the anniversary but it’s legislative season. Once again, many family victim advocates and I work with safety professionals to educate our lawmakers. Pleading with them to open their eyes... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2019 at My grief journey
On the eve of thanksgiving I was meditating during acupuncture. I began thinking of Mom and how I missed her coming to thanksgiving dinner with us. As the tears started falling, thoughts turned to my family, my distracted driving family, and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude came over me. Some... Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2017 at My grief journey
Still learning to navigate
Today is my mom’s birthday and I've always done something special to celebrate her life… things that she loved or we loved doing together, watching her favorite movie, trying a new restaurant, making a favorite dinner, planting flowers, shopping, etc. But this year has been different. We’ve had some challenges,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2017 at My grief journey
Mother's Day
The days between April 15th and Mother's Day seem to put me in a daze. It's a yearly reminder of what was lost and what will never be. And while the grief isn't as raw as in the first few years, it still shows up from time to time. This... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2016 at My grief journey
Be Care Full
Last month I gave a dangers of distracted driving speech to a group of college students. In my speech I show a "what if" news article of a plane crash killing everyone on board for three days in a row and ask them to imagine this happening every day. I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2014 at My grief journey
Complicated Gratitude
During the month of November, many people begin a ritual of giving thanks in preparation for Thanksgiving. I completely embrace the idea of showing gratitude, not only during the Thanksgiving, but through out the year. But since my mom’s death, I struggle sometimes with being grateful. Because, honestly, it still... Continue reading
Posted Nov 28, 2013 at My grief journey
Illusion or intuition?
The other week I was dropping my daughter off for her last week of camp. As we were getting out of the car a large Infinite SUV rushed into the lot and parked next to us. I was a bit annoyed at how fast he was going so I kept... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2013 at My grief journey
Finding truth in the garden
This past holiday weekend I worked on putting a flower garden on our front boulevard. I never considered myself a gardener. In fact, I could barely keep an aloe vera plant alive back in the day... This was a joke between my mom and I since she was an avid... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2013 at My grief journey
For eternity
I had many different dreams about mom after she was killed. Some were about her and some were with her. Some were comforting while others not so much. And some were more vivid than others. One particular dream I had about her was extremely vivid and incredibly frustrating. My mom... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2013 at My grief journey
Imagine waiting for your daughter and her fiance at Disney’s wedding planner and them not showing up. Imagine driving home and seeing emergency vehicles in front of your home and then seeing your daughter’s mangled bicycle. Imagine thinking your daughter is safe on her school bus coming home and being... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2013 at My grief journey
Imagine waiting for your daughter and her fiance at Disney’s wedding planner and them not showing up. Imagine driving home and seeing emergency vehicles in front of your home and then seeing your daughter’s mangled bicycle. Imagine thinking your daughter is safe on her school bus coming home and being... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2013 at My grief journey
Always and forever
The other night, I finished reading my daughter a bed time story and then snuggled her into bed. She always asks if I will cuddle with her and we have an agreed time limit of two lullabies... Which she is usually asleep before the end of the first one. As... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2013 at My grief journey
Responsibility and choices
Last night I received some difficult news. My grandma, who I am extremely close to, had to have emergency surgery yesterday. As my aunt was filling me in on the details, I could feel the familiar sting of tears in my eyes and began to repeat the prayer, "please God,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2012 at My grief journey
It doesn’t get any easier…
Last weekend we went to visit my family in Iowa which is something I wish we could do more often. After we settled in at my grandparents and had dinner, my gramps and I were sitting at the table. He asked quietly “have you had any dreams recently about your... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2012 at My grief journey
Continuing my journey
On a warm spring day in 2009, a 58-year old woman, Julie Davis was killed by a 19-year old driver, while walking on the side of the road with her best friend. That statement is what most people read or heard on the evening news on April 15, 2009. What... Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2012 at My grief journey
For the past year, I have been struggling with what it means to forgive. The Oxford English Dictionary defines forgiveness as 'to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt'. Webster has several definitions one of which is ‘to cease to feel... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2010 at My grief journey
I know it's true
I found this on one of the online grief support sites that I visit. It brought me some comfort because I know it's true. To my dearest family and friends, Some things I'd like to say. But first of all, to let you know that I arrived okay. I'm writing... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2010 at My grief journey
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