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at lucas oil? im not sure, ive never been confronted with it honestly. if i was, i would direct them to customer service since they always hang out in the plaza i work in during gates. at nationwide (my "normal" venue) all elevators are public, all you have to do is ask to access them. im pretty sure some of what he said to you is illegal. we cant even make people throw out food if they say its for a medical reason.
Drunken Custy Encounter At Stadium
I work in crowd control / security / event staff / glorified babysitter for a large venue (among other venues). Just call me CSC_Slave (CSC is the company I work for). I have a million stories of people being flat idiotic (especially the girl telling off the cops, but that's another story for ...
HighwaysHome is now following Freddy
Jan 3, 2011
Bingo (its CSC, just logged in using twitter), not that I know of, but we get called on contracts all the time, so I wouldn't say a definite no.
Drunken Custy Encounter At Stadium
I work in crowd control / security / event staff / glorified babysitter for a large venue (among other venues). Just call me CSC_Slave (CSC is the company I work for). I have a million stories of people being flat idiotic (especially the girl telling off the cops, but that's another story for ...
HighwaysHome is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 3, 2011
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