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Hildie Kauffman
Recent Activity
Yes! What a find!
mysterious thrift find
It's been a while since I've been to the thrift store, but I went today and found this interesting little treasure. For sixty-nine cents, I couldn't help add it to my cart. Maybe one of you has an idea what it is and what it's used for? On top of bamboo wood sticks are little pots m...
Happy Birthday, Kleas!
mosaic monday-happy birthday to me
1. gifts wrapping, 2. Untitled, 3. blooming, 4. Chocolate birthday cake, 5. Red Balloon, 6. Cake Bunting Tutorial, 7. Blow, 8. Confetti, 9. stepping stones, 10. Untitled, 11. Full moon rises over the mountain., 12. At home This is a nice collection of things that are making me very happy toda...
Here we are. Ready for a new day. (see old posts...
Here we are. Ready for a new day. (see old posts from the Stinky Genius Vox blog below.)
Hildie Kauffman is now following stinkygenius
Sep 4, 2010
Hildie Kauffman is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 4, 2010
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