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Danielle Hittle
Recent Activity
I really want to try a quilt and these colors are brilliant. I will give the "equilateral" quilt a try. Plus, I will make an Oliver and S Roller-skate dress for my daughter.
Essentials II by Pat Bravo: A Trendy Fabric Collection
Hello my crafty friends! How is everyone doing? Here, at the AGF HQ we’ve been having tons of fun showing you all the sneak peeks for our spring 2016 fabric collections. But the fun doesn’t stop there! We still have more to show you! In case you didn’t know, spring is already here (it began Ma...
This is a beautiful outfit by Opus!
This baby looks so cozy and at home.
Small Giveaway - OPUS
We look at a lot of baby clothes over here at Small and Opus really stands out. I adore the armored tees and leggings as well as the delicate plaid and horse print patterned rompers and pants. Opus is manufactured in nyc using butter soft organic cotton, Japanese yard-dyed cotton plaids and...
Danielle Hittle is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 19, 2010
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