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fiction and web content writer
Interests: writing. music. ukioye art. football.
Recent Activity
HeatherMarie added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Hey, there! We all know how much Zachary digs his dog, Noah, and his work with Hollywood's Least Wanted benefiting L.A.s Department of Animal Services. Shelters and pet foundations around the country need all the help they can get, and FREDFRED is stepping up to help. FREDFRED is a DC-based designer and manufacturer of 100% American-made, graphic leather dog collars. These collars are nothing short of awesome and are unlike anything currently on the market. In order to help shelters and pet foundations nationwide, FREDFRED is offering to donate 20% from the profits of it's online sales to the customer's beneficiary of choice. All you have to do is enter the name of a shelter--i.e. the Los Angeles Department of Animal Services--in the comments section at checkout & just like that a pet foundation gets a little help & a dog gets a rockstar collar. Check it out at Thanks!
Mar 7, 2010