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I'm an American working in the middle east
Recent Activity
Hmeless01 is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
In order to start a new journey, although i'm a bit late cause I got married a little over a year ago, i'm moving my blog to an undisclosed location. If you still read this and want the new link,... Continue reading
I guess you can say it's been a long and eventfull week. We spent an entire 3 day weekend hanging out with friends. Had Valentines dinner with a group of people, then celebrated our first anniversary at a great restaurant.... Continue reading
Hmeless01 is now following Tim Dierkes
Feb 15, 2010
Since it's been a while since I last posted, let's run through the brief recap to catch everyone up. I'll start with the most recent items and work my way back. Heeeeere we go! I'm celebrating my 1st wedding anniversary... Continue reading
I guess my Anniversary is as good a time as any to ressurect my blog. A year ago today, I married my best friend. Well, technically it was a year and a half ago, but that's just being nitpicky. We... Continue reading
Hmeless01 has shared their blog Misadventures of an American in the Middle East
Feb 15, 2010
Hmeless01 is now following Zachary Quinto
Feb 15, 2010