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Broken down fat old white guy.
Interests: stuff, things, happenings
Recent Activity
Nearly twenty-four hours ago we were notified of the death of Osama bin Laden. Last night I watched the broadcast of the President’s speech and my initial reaction was a sense of relief, or “Finally”. I didn’t have political or religious feelings on the matter, just a sense of completion. Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2011 at Ramblings of Sarge
Waking early morn Feeling nature’s call Before the alarm Roam the hall In one hour Alarm to sound Dilemma upon me More time unfound Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2011 at Ramblings of Sarge
As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, it is good to consider the story of the week from the triumphant entry of Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2011 at Ramblings of Sarge
If I were most brilliant, what then? Would I be so wrapped up in myself that I would be unaware of my many shortcomings? Would it be a bad thing to be unaware of my many shortcomings? I would most certainly think more highly of myself than I ought. If I were most wealthy, what then? Would I be so enamored by my possessions that I would fail to see my true needs? Would my possessions come to own me rather than I them? I would most certainly think myself self-sufficient. If I were most popular, what then? Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2011 at Ramblings of Sarge
The Wife, To BooBoo From Sarge With warm eyes and bright smile, You captured my eye with soft style. With bright eyes and warm smile, You captured my heart without trial. With tender touch and gentle care, Your love goes with me everywhere. With gentle touch and tender care, Your... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2011 at Ramblings of Sarge
Faith is something that everyone has, that many claim to possess, but few can easily explain or define. While it is true that all people have faith to some extent, the object of that faith can be very different from one person to another. Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2011 at Ramblings of Sarge
12 pictures uploaded from the Gridiron Saints Trophy Presentation Party. Thanks to Glenn and Toni for hosting our little bash. Cornerstone Church of Blaine Fantasy Football League, Gridiron Saints, trophy presentation party during the NFC Championship Game. 2011 Cornerstone Church of Blaine - a set on Flickr. Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2011 at Ramblings of Sarge
This was born out of my prayers as I lay in bed at 11:45PM last night. As I was conversing with God I thought it sounded poetic. Good poetry? I guess you can decide for yourself. As for me, it was the yearning of my heart and I like it. I wrote it on QuickOffice in bed, in the dark, on my Droid 2. It cleared my head and I was asleep by 12:45AM. Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2011 at Ramblings of Sarge
The driver was the sort that seemingly makes a three count before depressing the gas pedal after the light displays green, proceeds at 5mph below the posted speed limit regardless of what it is and never closes within fewer than 8 car lengths when traffic is moving. Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2011 at Ramblings of Sarge
The last four months have seemed out of control from a time management point of view. My last blog was September 11 Remembrance on 09/11/10. I have had plenty of things to blog about in that time, I just didn't make the time to do it. In 2011 I would like to get back to the blogging and redevelopment of my web site in a more refined way than I have done in the past. I would very much like to have a blog and a site that is entertaining and that has fresh, quality posts that others can enjoy. My life needs to take a turn toward cleaning up, packing up and minimizing the stuff that surrounds me. Enough of the life of clutter and the half done. Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2011 at Ramblings of Sarge
September 11 Remembrance. A short story on my site about today's event. Saturday, 11 September 2010 13:20 Written by John Schaenzer Traveling east on Main Street in Anoka will bring one into the city of Coon Rapids and the bridge that passes over Highway 10 in Anoka County. The bridge... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2010 at Ramblings of Sarge
Sarge is now following daisy barringer
Sep 8, 2010
Today the drive takes me to Racine, Wisconsin, which is just south of Milwaukee. I made the pick up at noon on Saturday and held it until today to deliver it at 10:00 PM. The factory was closed for Labor Day until the night shift came on duty. Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2010 at Ramblings of Sarge
SG Woodcarving is the company of Jeff Houchins that takes digital photos and produces wood carvings from them. After seeing a number of carvings he did, in photos and in person, I decided to call him about producing a carving of my logo. Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2010 at Ramblings of Sarge
I sit in my bed surrounded by the chilly autumn air and wrapped in a cozy comforter while surfing the web and eating leftovers from last night's spaghetti dinner. This is the sort of morning that the wife and I, back in the day, would declare as a Ma and Pa Kettle day. Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2010 at Ramblings of Sarge
Sarge is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 3, 2010