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Amanda Willey
My passion, to create pieces of art from bits of old and new!
Interests: art, my kids, glitter, black and white photography, typography, millinery, vintage bits
Recent Activity
I have some wonderful mentors, who I can talk to from time to time. I also belong to a few groups like Plum Pickens (a group of artists who put on shows 4 times a year). As for the name, well... LollyCakes is a collaboration of my mom's family. They are the funniest group of people I know. I figured if anyone could come up with something clever, they could. I also did some research on the net to make sure no one in the area was already using that name. HodgePodge by Amanda is my main business. I came up with the name because I love to do a bit of everything, rather than just focus on painting. While I love the name, it is rather long, and the word hodgepodge tends to be used as a negative descriptor. I have also taken a few small business courses offered through the chamber of commerce. I hope this helps, Good Luck. Do you have a blog? I would love to see it!
Toggle Commented Jul 20, 2011 on LollyCakes Flyer at HodgePodge by Amanda
Thank you! Right now the plan is for one time classes on Saturday mornings. I will post a schedule as soon as I have more details.
Toggle Commented May 4, 2011 on Time, where does it go? at HodgePodge by Amanda
Amanda Willey is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Just posted with no problems. I like the new look. Seems much more user friendly.
Toggle Commented Jul 15, 2009 on Give us your feedback at Feedback on the new TypePad
1 reply
Oh man! I wish I could go to your show! I love that you have a blog in addition to your website. Your work is so wonderful. I hope your show did well!
Toggle Commented Dec 12, 2006 on Angels on High at Sis Boom Day Dreams
1 reply