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Thomas Granger
Recent Activity
Communication issues Sem2 3
What was meant to happen? We were meant to leave the formwork shutters around the concrete wall until the formwork was strong enough. What did happen? We took the fromwork off knowing that the top had hardened but to our suprise the concrete at the bottom of the formwork had... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2010 at Semester 2
Communication issues Sem2 2
What was meant to happen? We were erecting vertical slab props to supprot the form work for a elevated concrete floor ready to move on. What did happen? When we did our final check we found that some of the fixings we used to hold the props weren't strong enough... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2010 at Semester 2
Thomas Granger is now following Euan van Hest
Oct 26, 2010
Communication issues Sem2 1
What was meant to happen? The tightening wedge was supposed to hold the wire tie to keep the shutters tight, and then we used the vibrator to remove all the air bubbles from the concrete. What did happen? When we started the vibrator and used it the vibrations caused the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Semester 2
Thomas Granger is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 14, 2010
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