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Elizabeth Holdsworth
Paris, sometimes. But more usually Leeds, England.
Sharing the world with my children, one interest at a time
Interests: pretty much everything apart from some sports, reality tv shows and computer gaming. Of particular interest are Holga photography, allotment gardening, environmentalism, arts and craft, all things vintage, books, travel and learning new things!
Recent Activity
Well, it's been a while but with something of a...
Well, it's been a while but with something of a change of heart, I've decided to start up the blog again. Let's see how things go this time around. Life has thrown me a couple of curve balls recently and it seems the only thing getting in the way of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2010 at Daisy Daisy
The library's the place
Off to the library now, in the pale pink twilight. Oh, how I love the library. An unfortunate side effect of having a great long list of interests are the teetering piles of books, magazines and papers littering the tiny house in which we live. I could probably happily live with them, but my long suffering husband David cannot. Besides, there is precious little room now we have baby Ben, who will have a bedroom in what used to be affectionately termed "the office". After the recent (and it has to be said, painful) cull of my books, I have... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2010 at Daisy Daisy
Out for a run this afternoon. Only the second time...
Out for a run this afternoon. Only the second time since Ben was born in May. It's freezing cold but bright and crisp and there's nobody around but us - so thankfully no audience to witness my bright pink face. It's not my first time around with running, I took it up after pre-eclampsia brought my first pregnancy to an abrupt halt. Whilst painful, it does feel as though my muscles remember this, and my body responds far better than I'd expected. Afterwards I feel great, apart from the cough from inhaling such ice-cold air. Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2010 at Daisy Daisy
New Year, New Blog
Hi there, I'm Liz and this is my new blog. First time I've done anything like this, and I have a habit of trying things for a while and then letting them drop so let's see how I go. So, what's the purpose of this? Well, as I mentioned above, I enjoy finding out about new things and now I have two children, I am increasingly sharing the experiences with them. For as long as I can remember, I've had a myriad of interests and a driving need to try new things. This often becomes an exciting, all-consuming passion for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2010 at Daisy Daisy
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Jan 3, 2010
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Jan 3, 2010
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Jan 3, 2010
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