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I love these carpets, I have a few in my home and need one more to complete the space, so I'd put mine in my guest bedroom that I'm currently changing around. Beautiful, Joy!
Leslie as always, I am so happy you are part of BYW again for a third round! Here's to many more!!! xo
Toggle Commented Feb 28, 2011 on Blogging Your Way at a creative mint
1 reply
This is wonderful Leslie, I am so happy they published this and am very pleased for you!
Toggle Commented Feb 28, 2011 on Somerset Life at a creative mint
1 reply
I love this pretty photo and all of your cool borders Leslie, this is a nice shot.
Toggle Commented Feb 28, 2011 on Monday Morning at a creative mint
1 reply
HollyBecker is now following Mowie Kay
Jan 7, 2011
HollyBecker added a favorite at the travel stylist
Dec 13, 2010
HollyBecker is now following Yvonne Stehle
Nov 15, 2010
I'm just catching up after a few months and weeeee! This card is so sweet and congratulations, being in a national stationery store is huge. Many, many greetings to you from wayyyy over here and I wish you many more good things at Papyrus and beyond. Holly
I have the same apple, I thrifted it just a month before you found yours -- we must have been in synch!!! xo Holly P.S. I'm not painting mine. :)
Toggle Commented Oct 7, 2009 on Thrifted at Chez Larsson
1 reply
I love how you are writing now, I feel more connected to you! Nice photo, feels quite intimate, it's special. xo Holly
1 reply
My honest answer is this: write a book that you have a passion for and the book will be loved by all and a success. Ask too many questions of your readers and the book will reflect others passions and not your own. One should always follow their passion when writing -- then it will be authentic and something you can truly be proud of. Too much in this world is done to please others. Please yourself first and others will follow you. Trust me on this one. You have style and class, write the book of YOUR dreams. xo
1 reply
Dear Karine, This meal looks delish and your blog is lovely, too! Great work! Thank you so much Karine for taking my class and for adding my badge to your beautiful blog. I hope that you will stay in touch with me!!! xo Holly
Toggle Commented May 4, 2009 on Dinner at the Bay Leaf at Old Blog
1 reply
This is great! But I'm thinking this cannot possibly be in order, right? Anyway, the link to decor8 is not correct, the new URL is: Thank you!
Toggle Commented Dec 12, 2008 on Alexa's Top 90 Design Weblogs at ReubenMiller
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