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H. Curtis
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Irans Government Opposes Social Networking
The Iranian government is really cracking down on social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook, as well as mobile text messaging services. According to CNN, “Because the Iranians have shut down Web sites and closed newspapers, one senior official said, "one of the ways people are able to get out the word is Twitter. " In face the Iranian government in the past interrupted satellite internet connections. However, bloggers and activists are still reporting from Iran by using proxy servers to get around the censors. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appears to be trying to limit Internet access and communications in... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2011 at Global Media News
Government Controlled Media in Iran
The Iranian press suppression is most common in the capital, of Tehran. Journalists are restrained; lack funds, and have no modern printing operations. According to an article by the BBC "small district papers have limited circulations; thus, the power of these papers as a source of news for the population is limited." Iranians rely on other international programs for information and news for world events. For journalists in Iran there is no escape from governments controlled media, there are no private or independent media companies allowed to operate within the country. Government control on media is nothing new to many... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2011 at Global Media News
The Decline of India Social Website Orkut
The popular social network Orkut is slowly declining in it's popularity. Despite several attempts to increase Orkut popularity, include giving away free movie tickets, giving Orkut a make over, and giving Orkut a "like button." The "like button" is really popular on the social website Facebook, in fact according to a reporter from India " the new look is a cheap copy of Facebook." Orkutranks ninth in India, six places lower than Facebook. The decline in India's social network could be caused by a couple of reasons. One being Orkut is declining because the social network is not "global enough."... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2011 at Global Media News
The Decline of India Social Website Orkut
The popular social network Orkut is slowly declining in it's popularity. Despite several attempts to increase Orkut popularity, include giving away free movie tickets, giving Orkut a make over, and giving Orkut a "like button." The "like button" is really popular on the social website Facebook, in fact according to a reporter from India " the new look is a cheap copy of Facebook." Orkut ranks ninth in India, six places lower than Facebook. The decline in Google's social network in India could be caused by a couple of reasons. One being Orkut is declining because the social network is... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2011 at Global Media News
Social Media becoming very popular in India
Research has shown that consumers spent more than five and half hours on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter all around the world. Social media outlets have become the source of information for many. India has also participated in the world of social networking. According to an article on Gauravonomics blog, "More Indian corporates will use social media tools to engage with their customers." Many businesses in India will be using social media to reach out to consumers. The use of mass media is becoming very popular in many nations, very quickly. India social media represents a fast-emerging and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2011 at Global Media News
Social Media becoming very popular in India
Research has shown that consumers spent more than five and half hours on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter all around the world. Social media outlets have become the source of information for many. India has also participated in the world of social networking. The use of mass media... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at H. Curtis's blog
Creating North Korea's Image
Media outlets in North Korea are used to achieve political power. The Korean government keeps a tight hold on the circulation of statistics and facts. North Korea keeps its people at a state of ignorance through tight control of the media. Media outlets in North Korea is filled with propaganda. In North Korea Radio and TV sets are pre-tuned to government stations that pump out a steady stream of propaganda. Therefore, media sources in North Korea's never report the economic, social, and politcal hardships. This could become problematic for North Korea's totalitarian government. Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2011 at Global Media News
Keeping North Korea's Image.
Media in north Korea is comprised with propaganda, the communist government has used its media outlets to achieve political power. TheKorean government newspaper is called “Minju Choson” meaning “Democratic Korea”. This newspaper is used to establish “domestic and international agendas”. North Korean administration uses the media to manipulate its mass audience and allies. Only spreading certain information, statistics, and facts concerning the government. The administration keeps a tight hold on the press, according to a website called WIRE.CO.UK, “Radios and televisions are set to receive only government broadcasts approved by the DPRK Radio and Television Broadcasting Committee.” This a major... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2011 at Global Media News
Tunisia before 2011
Before the recent coverage of Tunisia in the media, freedom of expression in Tunisia had never been demonstrated. In past years Tunisian ggovernment blocked and limited access to certain websites. The Tunisian government had full control over what the press and other media outlets was putting out. Anyone who expressed their opinions was placed in jail or harassed. Many human rights activist protested the censorship the Tunisian government had on the media. At the United Nation's World Summit on the Information Society in November 2005, recommended the Tunisia ggovernment: "should release all prisoners of opinion, end arbitrary administrative detentions, end... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2011 at Global Media News
Total Freedom of the Press for Great Britain
Many countries today are suffering with the decline of the printed press due to other sources of the media such as the radio, television, and the internet. However, Great Britain long history of freedom of press has not felt the effect. Great Britain has a high literacy rate mostly everyone reads the local newspapers. Despite the great decline in the printed press in the US and other countries, Great Britain media outlets are not showing any signs of slowing down. Great Britain has one of the largest media consumer markets. According to another newspaper, "Britain local media is reaching more... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2011 at Global Media News
Total Freedom of the Press for Great Britain
Many countries today are suffering with the decline of the printed press due to other sources of the media such as the radio, television, and the internet. However, Great Britain long history of freedom of press has not felt the effect. Great Britain has a high literacy rate mostly everyone... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2011 at H. Curtis's blog
Tunisia before 2011
Before the recent coverage of Tunisia in the media, freedom of expression in Tunisia had never been demonstrated. In past years Tunisian ggovernment blocked and limited access to certain websites. The Tunisian government had full control over what the press and other media outlets was putting out. Anyone who expressed... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2011 at H. Curtis's blog
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Jan 31, 2011
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