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Recent Activity
new music. you in the studio would be so cool. xoxo
Hey Everyone, as I'm sure you've all heard about...
Hey Everyone, as I'm sure you've all heard about my new TV Show. I have a question for you all. As my good friends and fans what would you like to see my friends and I do on the show. What kind of scenarios, scenes and predicaments would you enjoy watching. Curious to hear all your opinions and t...
the biggest happy birthday wish to you your my...
the biggest happy birthday wish to you your my idol and you bring me so much happyness thankyou have a wonderful day Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2010 at Paris Hilton
u can pull off any colour i reckon you should do a sudden colour change and suprise everyone
No title
elle is now following Paris Hilton
Jan 24, 2010
elle is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 24, 2010
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