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Johan Smit
Recent Activity
Chains and viewers (also known as peepholes) are important security features common with perimeter doors. A chain is a simple looking but crucial device that helps you control communication with visitors on the outside. A door chain is only a couple of inches long.It is permanently attached to one side... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2010 at Johan Smit's blog
Here is a DIY home security tip: The home security door should be fitted with a 5 lever 2 bolt mortice sash lock halfway up the door, (a deadlock with a handle for convenience). Unlike front doors, many insurance companies do not specify that they should be to British Standard... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2010 at Johan Smit's blog
Even with a strong door and quality, properly-installed locks, a burglar may be able to gain entry by breaking or prying the door frame. Most door frame moldings are simply tacked to the wall, and so a crowbar or a solid kick can easily separate the frame from the wall.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2010 at Johan Smit's blog
Turn an ordinary door into a home security door by simply putting a dog behind it! Dogs are good deterrents to burglars. Even a small, noisy dog can be effective -- burglars do not like to have attention drawn to their presence. Be aware, however, that trained guard dogs do... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Johan Smit's blog
A rim latch (Yale type) on its own is not sufficient. The door should also be fitted preferably with a 5 lever mortice deadlock, though insurance companies will accept a rim automatic deadlock; both must be to British Standard 3621 or the equivalent European Standard EN12209. Quality locks are only... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Johan Smit's blog
A door with too much space between the door and the frame is an invitation for the burglar to use a jimmy. Reinforce the door with a panel of 3/4-inch plywood or a piece of sheet metal. To help burglar-proof your home, install 1-inch throw deadbolt locks on all exterior... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Johan Smit's blog
The most common way used to force entry through a door with a wooden door frame is to simply kick it or shoulder slam it open. The weakest point is almost always the lock strike plate that holds the latch or lock bolt in place. A home security device like... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2010 at Johan Smit's blog
A dead-bolt lock usually has a square-faced (rather than beveled) bolt, which is engaged from the inside by the second turn of a key, or else is operated by turning a thumb knob. Unquestionably, the dead bolt is superior to the common night latch inasmuch as it cannot be forced... Continue reading
Posted Sep 21, 2010 at Johan Smit's blog
A home security door is very necessary because without it you are an easy target. Let your neighbor's house be more alluring to burgle. Burglars can effortlessly kick in most doors. The lock is actually not the weakest part and can give you false security - it is usually the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 21, 2010 at Johan Smit's blog
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Sep 21, 2010