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Golden, CO
A bit about me
Interests: Video Games, Writing, Reading, History, Running, Weight Lifting, Music (Muse, E.S.Posthumus, Korn), Books (Ender's Game, 1984, The Hunger Games, Redwall Series, LOTR, Harry Potter), Movies (Jaws, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Nightmare Before Christmas, LOTR, Harry Potter), TV Shows (Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, Battlestar Galactica, History's Mysterys, Family Guy)
Recent Activity
Play games to help world hunger at!
What a great idea. How many grains did you get to? Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
Eat mo butta!
Very good tidbit. Eat mo butta! =) Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
Trying New Things: Go Forth and Fail
Folks are trying new things all the time, and they'll either stick with 'em or they won't. I think its strange how whenever I'd quit something, I used to (and sometimes still do) feel like a failure. For example, when I try a new diet or exercise routine, sometimes I feel badly about myself when I learn that my new activity is really hard for me in some respect, either because I can't focus, don't want to, or simply don't like it. I would entertain thoughts like: "What's wrong with me," "If everyone else does it, then I should be... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
0 What great tips! I What great tips! I can attest to a change in diet helps your energy level throughout the day. Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
An Interesting Product
In my online searching I stumbled upon this product: It is an organic powder full of nutrients from superfoods. After becoming interested in and reading about hollistic health this month, it seems clear that in my daily diet, even eating plenty of organic fruits and vegetables, it is difficult to get everything that my body needs for nourishment. Perhaps I shall try this and let you know how it goes. =) Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
Article: No Apologies Necessary
Ain't this the truth! I have learned so much more about myself through yoga. Very enlightening and insightful article. Own your mat, your space. :-) Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
Wake Up World Health Articles
Here are some healthy tips when dining out for many different types of foods. And here are some foods you may want to incorporate into your diet. Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
Meditation is good for your health. But don’t...
Meditation is good for your health. But don’t just take my word for it: Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
Concept: Bad Driving
Concepts are notions or ideas we have about something or someone. I believe that I must shed my concepts in order to obtain a peaceful life. For me, a concept of mine can usually be identified if I notice that I am judging, trying to change things, or expecting something. In particular the concept that struck me today was the concept of a "bad driver", which was brought up while sitting in traffic. Even the term alone "bad driver" implies that someone is either good or bad at driving period. It doesn't take into account that people are better on... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
Setting Goals for the New Year
As I enter the New Year, I like to take the opportunity to set new goals. If you also want to take this time to set some goals for yourself, here are some tips that help me stay on track to meet my own goals: Set only 1-2 goals at a time. For example, let's say our goals are to (1) get in shape, (2) eat healthier, (3) meditate daily, and (4) get finances in order. My suggestion would be to focus on only one of these at a time until a habit has been developed. It is much easier... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
How to do Downward-Facing-Dog Pose Properly
This article speaks to how to complete one of the most commonly done and difficult poses in yoga. I still struggle with this pose, and this article has some great advice! Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
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Jan 6, 2012
How to do Downward-Facing-Dog Pose Properly
This article speaks to how to complete one of the most commonly done and difficult poses in yoga. I still struggle with this pose, and this article has some great advice! Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
Meditation Bench Oh, how I want one of these. Might help me develop better posture. Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
Candle Meditation
This practice helps to focus the mind on one point, so that all other thoughts are cleared. I find that this practice helps me focus on where in my body I am currently experiencing tension. There is no one right way to practice meditation in my experience, so I try as many different techniques as possible and see how each one affects me differently. Materials: Tissues, Candle, Matches or Lighter, Cushion or Chair/Table, Timer 1. Find a quiet place to sit without distraction and prepare the space by dimming the lights and placing a candle on the floor in front... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
Formal Meditation Practice
To me meditation is a form of prayer. By relaxing and clearing my mind of thought I can be in touch with the oneness of humanity; I can actually feel my connectedness with divine love. Meditation is the opportunity to connect with God, and I believe a meditation practice can apply to any one, and to any and all religions. I have learned that the goal of a meditation practice is to calm the mind in order to become clearer in life, remaining joyful all the time, and to me God is joy. Meditation reduces anxiety and stress, and taking... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2012 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
How I Got Started
The Beginning A little over a year ago, I found myself numb from distraction. I was caught within a destructive cycle of drinking to drown sorrows, creating drama to find meaning, and then hurting from the pain I caused to both myself and to the people I love. Repeat again. I was stuck. The worst thing I’ve ever experienced was the total numbness from life; being completely devoid of any feelings. Drinking, drama, and heartache had caused my body to completely shut down, which was definitely not what I needed. I felt nothing. I couldn’t feel any emotions whatsoever and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2011 at Blue Lotus Petals: Path to Peace
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