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My goodness, you are so talented. These dolls are just so precious and so unique. Olivia *needs* one.
p.s. I would love it if you could somehow imitate her little hairstyle for a doll :)
It has been awhile. You may think I am lazy and undiciplined, (who, me?!), or you may think I do not care about this here blog, or you may think all sort of wild and crazy things about me. But you'd be wrong. I have been stitching myself to oblivion. I have been up all night, and busy at work al...
Oh man, I remember taking Olivia with me to the post office when she was like 3 months old. Lugging an armload of packages and an unhappy babe: NOT FUN.
Lack of sleep, and its side effects: A true story...
Lack of sleep, and its side effects: A true story Took kids to 'work.' (my son's perception of kindergarten.) Managed to part from girl kid without tears (hers) and sense of parental failure. (mine) Drove to post office. Found parking space. Wooo hoo! I'm amzing! I'm queen of everything! Dr...
Hi! I am following from FB Valeria Velasquez and also my blog :)
It is time for the July Giveaway !
So. Are you here, yet? Good. Would you like to participate in the Giveaway extravaganza? Yes? Good. Giveaway will be a 12" Organic doll. I will start working on her this weekend. In order to apply, ( I love using grown up language.) you have to be a fan, and follow this blog. Just write dow... is now following Louie Louie Bebe
Jul 13, 2010 is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 13, 2010
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