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Bob Honiker
Recent Activity
If Barack Obama thought that a significant number of illegal aliens would ever vote for conservative candidates he would be guarding the border with an assault rifle, loaded with cop killer bullets.
Di Leo: Illegal Immigration - Inflated Uproar Over A Single Issue?
By John F. Di Leo - With an illegal alien population of about 20 million or so, in a nation of over 300 million, one might ask, why on earth are we so focused on this single issue? After all, 20 million is less than ten percent of our population. This nation is suffering. The real issues we...
A Republican should believe that our Constitution is as nearly sacred as a secular document can be. Those who don't are only another flavor of democrat.
Di Leo: It Depends … On What the Meaning of “Republican” Is
By John F. Di Leo - Almost twenty years ago, American philologists were treated to an amazing statement in the political realm: then-President Bill Clinton answered a question with the words “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” As shocking as that statement was in context, ...
A politician without an exploitable crisis is a politician without power.
Crime Control and the Enemies of the People
By John F. Di Leo - Just as an intellectual exercise, let’s imagine for a moment that you weren’t happy about the level of crime in America, and you wished there was more of it. I know, sounds ridiculous, even impossible. But just for the moment, let’s consider what one might do – what policie...
I don't mind paying for the trip over, it's the coming back that upsets me!
How Much Did it Cost to Send VPOTUS Biden to Paris for a Day?
The U.S. Department of State spent $585,000 on hotel rooms and racked up $322,000 on intra-country transportation costs for Vice President Joe Biden's recent trip to Paris, according to contracting documents that U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor located through routine database research. Despite the...
Is he still shooting at streetlights?
Chicago Police Chief says firearms owners are corrupt and endanger public safety
The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA), thinks Chicago's embattled police superintendent dug himself deeper into a pit of controversy today by claiming that lawful firearm owners are agents of political corruption. Appearing on a Chicago Sunday morning talk show, superintendent Garry McCart...
The Constitution exists to protect each individual from excesses of government AND excesses of a democratic majority. Inalienable rights are a matter of fact, not a matter of opinion.
Chicago Police Chief says firearms owners are corrupt and endanger public safety
The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA), thinks Chicago's embattled police superintendent dug himself deeper into a pit of controversy today by claiming that lawful firearm owners are agents of political corruption. Appearing on a Chicago Sunday morning talk show, superintendent Garry McCart...
I agree with Marco most of the time but no one will ever convince me that Mitt Romney is conservative. He drags a stolen R around after his name but has no grasp of conservative values at all!
Rubio scolds Gingrich camp, says ad bashing 'anti-immigrant' Romney is 'inaccurate, inflammatory'
Sen. Marco Rubio scolded Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign over a Spanish-language radio ad that accuses rival Mitt Romney of being “anti-immigrant” “This kind of language is more than just unfortunate. It’s inaccurate, inflammatory, and doesn’t belong in this campaign,” Rubio told The Mia...
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Jan 25, 2012
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