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Rick Hoppe
Recent Activity
I quit smoking 14 months ago, and now want to get rid of the post smoking flab. I walk on the treadmill for a half hour a day, but now am looking for a weight-lifting workout that will help burn fat. My goals are 30 pounds by Christmas and 50 more pounds by June.
A Challenge: We Want You To Lose
That's right, we want you to lose. But, in losing, you win. A few weeks ago, Susan Katz Keating hit me with an idea. Cooking with the Troops is about nutrition, health, and fitness at its core, and our personal cores were not exactly in the best shape. So, she proposed a fitness challenge, an...
I'm in. I just started to go back to the gym. I quit smoking about a year ago, and want to get rid of the post-smoking flab. 30 pounds by Christmas, 50 more pounds by June. My knees won't take running, so I walk on the treadmill, but I'm looking for a weight program that will help with the fat burn.
A Challenge: We Want You To Lose
That's right, we want you to lose. But, in losing, you win. A few weeks ago, Susan Katz Keating hit me with an idea. Cooking with the Troops is about nutrition, health, and fitness at its core, and our personal cores were not exactly in the best shape. So, she proposed a fitness challenge, an...
Rick Hoppe is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 1, 2010
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