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Rick Hoppe
Recent Activity
I quit smoking 14 months ago, and now want to get rid of the post smoking flab. I walk on the treadmill for a half hour a day, but now am looking for a weight-lifting workout that will help burn fat. My goals are 30 pounds by Christmas and 50 more pounds by June.
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2010 on A Challenge: We Want You To Lose at BlackFive
1 reply
I'm in. I just started to go back to the gym. I quit smoking about a year ago, and want to get rid of the post-smoking flab. 30 pounds by Christmas, 50 more pounds by June. My knees won't take running, so I walk on the treadmill, but I'm looking for a weight program that will help with the fat burn.
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2010 on A Challenge: We Want You To Lose at BlackFive
1 reply
Rick Hoppe is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 1, 2010