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Scott Howard
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Apr 9, 2010
@Vaughn, Thanks for the post--very helpful. One question regarding this statement: "First modern GOS types like Windows 7, Vista, 2008 implement GPT versus MBR and as such have a 1MB starting partition offset (versus the traditional 32,256 byte with MBR)." I see from my win2k8r2 x64 vm that the offset is correct by default on the system volume as you reference above but I also see that the disk is identified as having a "Partition Style" of "Master Boot Record (MBR)" from the Disk Management app in the OS. It wasn't until I cracked open msinfo32 that I confirmed the proper offset and verified your info. Is Disk Mangler misreporting the parition type? Thanks, Scott
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Scott Howard is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 9, 2010