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Emma Bird
Recent Activity
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Mar 15, 2010
Yep, it's mad, isn't it? Yes, they are 'statali' so civil servants.
At times it drives me mad. However, slowness in this camp is all part of the territory. I wouldn't have a nice laid back lifestyle if everything worked like it did elsewhere.
I'll be posting updates here.
Building a house in Italy
I thought I'd post some photos on here of our odtrc saga. For those of you who don't know, that's the oh-dear-the-roof-collapsed saga. To recap: we bought our house which needed lots of tlc in August 2006. In November, the building work started. But when the builders knocked down one of the wal...
Julie, it's such a lovely story, isn't it? I wanted to share it because it hit such a nerve with me.
Grab opportunities
Jacinda Innes, of Perth, Australia, is determined to make her Move-to-Italy dream come true. She doesn't have an EU passport but this hasn't put her off. She knows that living and working in Italy means thinking outside the box. Jacinda bought our book Starting a Business in Italy: how to set u...
I used to burn the candle at both ends, too.
But Sardinia rather put a stop to that. I'm very chilled out these days.
I'm about to sign up for your podcasting mails. Mario and I are definitely up for some podcasting at Will be a fantastic addition to How to Italy.
Business Blog Angel at Corporate Podcasting Summit
A real quickie today... I'm currently doing some really exciting work for new and existing clients, I have a new Podcast Production Company to develop, a new PC, a new (and quite wonderful) boyf and I took 2 days out to go (and speak) at the Corporate Podcasting Summit earlier this week. As a r...
Ciao Lula
You say you've been to six schools. Which type of school are you looking for? An environment that makes you feel that you are part of an Italian community or one that offers business and exam courses? As you know, all schools vary so it's a good idea to know what you want from the school first.
Perhaps if we know more about what you are looking for, people here will be able to help.
Tips for learning Italian
You've probably heard it before. But I can't stress it enough. Speaking Italian is vital if you want to live a happy, fulfilled life in Italy. Ask any successful expat for tips and one of the first things they say is 'learn Italian'. And that isn't an exaggeration. Let's think about the practic...
C.D Walsh - I'm pleased you like the new blogsite.
As for typos, please don't take offence at Mario's errors. Remember he is Italian and he is writing in his second-language.
As for me, guilty your honour! I'm not trying to excuse myself here but the last few days have been spent constantly switching between Italian and English and when that happens my grammar goes to pot because I'm mixing grammar and idioms.
Once I get back to some intensive days of full-on English writing, my grammar will be up to speed again. And that's a promise.
Italy has highest start-up costs in Europe (almost)
Today I bring you bad news: Today's Il Sole 24 ORE has an article about start-up costs in Europe. I'm not surprised that Italy is nowhere need the top of the list but to come last-but-one is absolutely terrible. Only Greece is worse. The stats come from combined research from the World Bank and...
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