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Heather Allen Pang
Recent Activity
Thanks Book Creator Team! I think putting the prompt on the send page makes sense. I should have sent the issue right to you guys. My team of teachers was meeting last week to talk about some curriculum stuff, and everyone was impressed that you commented and would think about the issue, thanks!
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2014 on 23 Things Week Two at Travels in History
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Of course the dog has to be there!
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If only someone would write a book helping us be more mindful in our use of technology then maybe we could overcome that total lack of movement...
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Well, I think they are real enough in my mind!
Toggle Commented Mar 30, 2011 on To Oxford (the other place) at Travels in History
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Yes, it is in the book. But the drawing in the book shows a very thin bird, and I was not sure they were the same!
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2011 on Birds in the Backyard at Travels in History
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Thanks Claudia! After you identified it I saw a picture of a song thrush on a tea towel in the National Trust shop, and I am sure you are right.
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2011 on Birds in the Backyard at Travels in History
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We have big baskets and small bits of luggage. For just a weekend, we took one cary-on size bag (small, no wheels) we each had a backpack, and Alex had the camera bag. I am really enjoying figuring out how to get everything done with a bike. We are going to get big baskets and bring them home. The important part seems to be the brace on the front. The ones we have in the US just hang off the handle bars, so no wonder they don't work well.
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2011 on Sunday in Edinburgh at Travels in History
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The next day when we were there they were marching back and forth in the snow, which did not look like much fun. We were talking about the sort of "royal style" and how some of these things really are like other palaces, rather than really national. There is a room here designed like the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles, and there are French, Italian, and German paintings and decorations too.
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Now the question is, do I remove the comment spam, or leave it because without it your comment makes no sense?
Toggle Commented Feb 12, 2011 on Thursday in Stockholm at Travels in History
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There is much less guilt in eating scones if you burned calories to get to them! And yes, this is the kind of trip we should have taken before having kids, when we were a young couple. So great to be able to do it now.
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2011 on The Orchard at Travels in History
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I know, it makes so many sentences in novels make sense now!
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2011 on Pepys Library at Travels in History
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I don't know if anyone would recognize the trolls in that movie as zwerge, but there are plenty here in all the shops!
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2011 on First Night in Stockholm at Travels in History
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Alex did not even have to give a presentation, he is here to meet people and see what is going on, but he does not have to really do anything!
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2011 on Changing Planes in Amsterdam at Travels in History
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I wish I could claim the hat as English, but I got it in Chicago when we lived there. I am so glad I remembered to dig it out of the ski things, I need it here!
Toggle Commented Jan 31, 2011 on Saturday Outing to Ely at Travels in History
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Thanks Margaret!
Toggle Commented Jan 25, 2011 on Sunday Bike Ride at Travels in History
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Christy, kaffee und kuchen in the garden sounds great, especially if the garden is warm. We are enjoying looking at ours, but don't plan on sitting there anytime soon, high of about 38 F today!
Toggle Commented Jan 24, 2011 on Sunday Bike Ride at Travels in History
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Nice photos! What time did it get dark.
Toggle Commented Jan 10, 2011 on First day in Cambridge! at Relevant History
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