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Mark Hughes10
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Thank you for this post Vern, I echo Peter's comment and that the wisdom of Bill Bowerman is is Lydiard's. The book 'Bowerman and the Men of Oregon' should be installed as mandatory reading in any coaching course or teaching. In this age of gadgets, gizmos, quick fixes and novelties....the beautiful simplicity of Bowermans work stands out as still world-leading. One of my life's ambitions is to visit Hayward Field and pay homage to Bill and the incredible legacy he created. Also worth mentioning HIS mentor Bill Hayward too... Thanks again for posting.
Thanks Guys - another wonderful post. I ordered this DVD from the US and it arrived a few days ago - and I haven't stopped watching it since! Incredibly powerful, inspirational and thought provoking.
Mark Hughes10 is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 20, 2011