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Jill Hurst-Wahl
Recent Activity
Great photo of you two!
Wow! Congrats! BTW the Tomoto Relish recipe I mentioned is at Rather than mustard seeds, I used dried mustard. If made just under three quarts. It is so good, that next summer I plan on making a lot more!
Toggle Commented Jan 5, 2011 on The Beauty of Small at Cookin' in the 'Cuse
I'm glad to see this has gone through! Each groups publications, conferences, and member benefits are complementary. There are already several members of AIIP that are members of SLA. I hope this will attract more.
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I read Tribes last summer/fall and found it motivational. I'm sure that others have said the same things either in similar or different ways, but I found Godin's take on it to provide an ah-ha. BTW since this is the third day of the new fall semester, let me quote from page 57: "A student can sit in a classroom and accept what the teacher is sending out, then do the work and get by. Or she can take initiative and lead. She can provoke and question and ask for more." The teacher might be seen as the natural leader of the tribe, but the student, through her actions, can also provide direction and leadership. In that regard, everyone in the class can be a leader although likely not all at once.
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2009 on Tribes at The Reading Club
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Check out this video about eating locally, Hellmann’s - It’s Time for Real, BTW Hope to run into you one of these days for coffee or lunch.
Toggle Commented Jul 16, 2009 on Exiled in Anaheim at Cookin' in the 'Cuse
First, congrats!!!! Was that Emily G. in the photo with you? BTW now I want to buy eggs at the Regional Market. Stopped and had a nice chat with him yesterday. Second, bought asparagus at the Regional Market yesterday (just inside shed A at the same end as Syracuse Soap Works). We grilled it then topped with aioli sauce! It was awesome! Finally, we've planted tomatoes, peppers and basil this year. All from a guy outside at the Reg. Mkt. (near the stage) who is selling organically grown seedlings in peat pots.
Toggle Commented May 25, 2009 on Welcome Green CNY Readers at Cookin' in the 'Cuse
Perhaps you and your posse need to coordinate a run to Boom Boom Mex Mex?
I'm sorry you about your Wednesday. I made it out with a group packed into a car and luckily someone had an Internet-enabled phone/pda and was able to pull up directions. Given the number of times I suspect fog plagues the Monterey airport, I'm surprised that they didn't have directions to hand you for nearby airports.
Toggle Commented Nov 3, 2007 on The impression that I get at The Distant Librarian
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Paul (and others), Did anyone at the Symposium talk about using federated search software with digitized materials? I'm working with a group that is thinking of using a federated search solution to search across digitized collections, including collections housed in CONTENTdm. (BTW I can imagine that the software would also search other databases and catalogues, but the real need with digitized materials.) Assuming that each collection has metadata, then I don't envision a problem searching (of course, I could be wrong). I would wonder, though, about displaying thumbnails. At any rate, I'm interesting in hearing what experiences others have had. Thanks!
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The URL for the presentations must have changed. They are now at: Thank you for the extensive notes. And thank to everyone who left comments. It is all very helpful.
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