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Harriet Wakelam
Melbourne, Australia
I'm a service designer/CX designer currently at NAB. I'm interested in designing real innovative experiences that make peoples lives simpler.
Recent Activity
Why work life balance needs service design
This post examines how an holistic service design approach to life might maximise the benefit of employer flexible working opportunities and how a corporate/city service design approach could help change the lives of working families. Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2012 at Technology Twitter
The Big Issue and NAB - one coffee a week to create change and jobs for women
The Big Issue, us, you and a challenge for change The other day at our whole of team meeting (I work for NAB) we were posed a challenge by The Big Issue (@thebigissue). Help us with our Women's Subscription Enterprise.... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2012 at Technology Twitter
3 Tiny Habits - reinvent yourself with motivation
New Year's resolutions, a new me, financially responsible, fit, slim and organised... By January 20 will I be one of the 80% of resolution makers who fail, or will I make it through to September and be one of th... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2012 at Technology Twitter
Please Mr Councillor can we have a lack of everything..? (or Hays Paddock ftw)
The moral of my story is to ask Boroondara Council whether true public consultation shouldn't consider some of theses questions?
Why does development always mean adding things, couldn't development mean taking things away, or a lack of things.. Why do we always have to have MORE - more of everything - tables, shelters, huge social rooms and car parking. How do we store and maintain value of existing facilities and why does improved always mean more? All the inputs on the steering committee were from special interest groups and infrastructure related. Whats wrong with not much!!!!! Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2011 at Technology Twitter
When it's wrong it's not right.. Politics and ethics
I've been increasingly annoyed by the political propaganda spewing forth from devices across Victoria. I'm tired of hearing how little silos of need will get a little of what they need.. just enough to inspire gratitude in fact.. Tired of... Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2010 at Technology Twitter
Community - a universal need for greater local connection...
Why washing dishes, playfulness and shared food are metaphors for an holistic community I have long been concerned by our 'efficient', solution focussed society, rushing from A to B, priding ourselves on 'outcomes' and 'solutions': Intoxicated by technology and pride,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2010 at Technology Twitter
Interesting concepts around influencers and social networks
The Real Life Social Network v2 View more documents from Paul Adams. Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2010 at Technology Twitter
Thanks for the comments.. - yes, that's funny, I hadn't thought of it as a 'mid-life'crisis' - I guess the definition of crisis is the need to move into something different...
Hi Stony - I like your metaphor of network as garden... I'd love to see networks having the tools to provide nutrients too though. I'm wondering if we've modelled them on what we know, instead of what we want!
If you're not present, you're absent...
..creativity's dark corners that networks need...Today @mpesce talked on Twitter about the need for protocols for online networks. It made me think about a convention and a process for being neither present or absent, but processing. I have recently been through one of those 'life reinvention...
If you're not present, you're absent...
Are our online networks missing an important facet? Are they 'safe' enough for emergent thoughts, or do we do our 'composting' alone only presenting when we have visible evidence of growth...? How can you be present and absent...? Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2010 at Technology Twitter
Most Saturdays I spend some time in parks with...
Most Saturdays I spend some time in parks with small people. I sit still, peaceful under a tree in the midst of a whirl of perpetual motion..... It's an unusual place for me - usually i'm one of the whirling... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2010 at Technology Twitter
Good excuses for persuading the family you need more computer time...for dummies
TypePad for Dummies
In 2008 we were approached by some TypePad bloggers about the possibility of writing a "For Dummies" book for TypePad. Naturally we said - YES! Absolutely. If they were prepared to take on the gargantuan task of capturing all the secrets of this little application onto the printed page then who ...
No No, not the high rise (aka...Melbourne, where are the design thinkers?)
Last year I moved to Melbourne from London (via Perth, Karratha...etc). Melbourne captivated me from the first moment, it took me 5 years to get here, but I did. It has a creative, innovative quirky approach to grandeur and liveability....... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2010 at Technology Twitter
Harriet Wakelam is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
The spaces in between - or communication in short.
Yesterday @lukegrange and I were using Twitter direct messages to organise for Tedx Melbourne. Our messages started short (140 characters) and grew rapidly shorter until they were one word long. It got me thinking about communication, trust and the spaces... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2010 at Technology Twitter
Why iPad is boring and exciting simultaneously...
I find myself generally bored with the iPad as a gadget, no desire to fondle it's sexy screen or any other kind of desire in general. Is it because the device is boring or is it more as Shirky says... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2010 at Technology Twitter
I agree, but also think that Technology is naturally seductive to explorers. It's a bit like buying really expensive mountain gear for a simple bushwalk, sometimes the best technology for a task is a simple one. If you want to get a point across, choose the most appropriate tools within your stable.
It's Not the Tool That's Boring. It's You.
Great post from Sarah Horrigan on a training she did with University staff on using virtual learning environments (VLE's). Apparently there were complaints prior to the session about VLEs being "boring," that Sarah decided to face head on, pointing out that it's not the VLE that's boring. I...
Thank you - look forward to more conversations
Blocking YouTube.. a short fairy tale about access
You Tube and Social Networking sites - The issues for large scale educational access Once upon a time there was a TAFE college which was suddenly propelled into the 21st Century. Web 2.0 ‘happened’. Suddenly staff and students wanted access to social networking tools and video sites such as...
Thanks Alex, Thanks 'Eclectics' - I'm a slow replier - loved the link you sent - I agree with you but there must be some rewards for those who have the skill to create good content.
Web 2.0 is not killing our culture and ruining our economy - or why I disagree with Andrew Keen
Andrew Keen's article in last weekend's Australian newspaper claims that peer produced knowledge and collaboration is ruining our culture, diminishing our academic standards and celebrating amateurism. So... why do I disagree? Knowledge has traditionally has been collaborative – take for examp...
A renaissance by any other name - or when DaVinci Googles
On (or around about give or take a chocolate or two) 6th day of Christmas I sat down to think. To observe the Noughties transformation as rich and as complex as the renaissance. By the end of the noughties I... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2009 at Technology Twitter
Micropatronage - taking government funding to Renaissance 2?
I was at #trampoline in Melbourne on Saturday. A wonderful creative day full of inspiring conversation (but that is another post). @RossHill gave a lightning talk on micropatronage:- micropatronage is the combination of the concept of the patron with connectedness.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2009 at Technology Twitter
Harriet Wakelam has shared their blog Technology Twitter
Oct 18, 2009
How I mixed up education with marketing (and other unbelievable facts) ....
or, about an error of judgement. When I was more idealistic, better looking and wearing my ‘twenties goggles’ (not googles)… full of the joys of the ethical and the just, embellished by a touch of the creative, I was drawn... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2009 at Technology Twitter
Hi Joseph, yes, things relaxed considerably and I know in NSW You Tube was recently unblocked - so I think significant changes are happening, and finally these tools are being seen as essential to teaching and learning - thanks for the support :)
Blocking of You Tube within TAFE - feedback required!
Ready-Made Videos that work behind Firewalls or Embedded in Web Sites From a discussion on Sue Water's eTools and Tips for Educators One of our members has asked on her page "Where to find ready-made videos suitable for learning (that work behind TAFE firewalls or if embedded somewhere)." Now I...
Exciting news - If it's London might get to catch up next year - I think it's wonderful - congrats :)
Leaving Nokia
I was going to wait a few months to let folks know, but the communicative department I work in has spread the news quickly inside the company. So, it's only fair to blurt it all out. Yes, after 8 years living and working in Finland with Nokia, I've decided to leave (my last official day is a f...
For me it just has too much - The huge community is so widely distributed that the groups etc don't reach critical mass of numbers. This spread makes it superficial - too many people doing too many things - there is no depth.... This makes it deeply unsatisfying after a while.
'Facebook fatigue'?
While I am part of the Facebook bashers (well, bashers of the current Facebook craze), I always feel that I am dead wrong, since so many folks are still signing up and using it. But recent reports (link below) are hoping to sound the death-knell for Facebook and other social networking servic...
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