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Wade Hilton
Decatur, Georgia
Wade Hilton was born in Jamaica, but grew up in Baltimore, Maryland. He was schooled at Loyola College where he actually began to write, and for fun. He has since then written a series of eleven books, out of joy, as he likes to put it, because it wasn’t until 1985 that he managed to publish his first book Success For All. It was then that Hilton, influenced by Napoleon Hill, started preaching the law of success through a positive mental attitude, plain to see throughout all his books, especially Goddess of the Arawaks. There is one thinking stuff that permeates the universe and it’s working through us, using us to express its power to create. We are all tied to it and should thrive to let every human being become aware of the joys and good things it wants for us—all of us. Hilton believes that books are the best way to accomplish this, and has since then been promoting reading. Everybody must read at least ten books a year.
Interests: Reading, Writing, Boating, Music, Publishing, Editing, Books, The Arawak Indians, Goddess of the Arawaks, Gwen & Gwenette, Why did it have to happen to me
Recent Activity
I'm only trying to share the news although it's not nice. Shootings have become commonplace nowadays. I sincerely hope we can do something about them. 4 dead, 4 wounded in Dallas-area shootings. Take a look at this link: seeing that you're here. Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2013 at Wade Hylton's blog
I'm only trying to share the news although it's not nice. Shootings have become commonplace nowadays. I sincerely hope we can do something about them. 4 dead, 4 wounded in Dallas-area shootings. Take a look at this link: seeing that you're here. Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2013 at Wade Hylton's blog
I'm all for the family. Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2013 at Wade Hylton's blog
A lot of people have ways of helping you get out of your debts. They use their formulas to show you how to reduce what you owe in just a few steps. However, the whole thing depends on you. Dreaming of getting there won't help you unless you do something to get there. You have to follow the steps laid out on order to reach your goal. It won't happen any other way. Transforming Debt into Wealth System. Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2013 at Wade Hylton's blog
A lot of people have ways of helping you get out of your debts. They use their formulas to show you how to reduce what you owe in just a few steps. However, the whole thing depends on you. Dreaming of getting there won't help you unless you do something to get there. You have to follow the steps laid out on order to reach your goal. It won't happen any other way. Transforming Debt into Wealth System. Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2013 at Wade Hylton's blog
Blogging has become a part of my life nowadays and I'm thankful for easy it has become with all these new ways of networking. Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2012 at Wade Hylton's blog
Some methods are as old as the hills. However, they're still as good as when they first came out, and in many cases even better because they fit in perfectly well the stress we suffer in our daily lives in our modern world. This is one of them. Take a look at it. You won't regret it. Healing: Achieving Total Wellness Through Higher Levels of Consciousness. Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2012 at Wade Hylton's blog
Sometimes we get downhearted and feel like giving up but whenever that happens you must remember that God is inside of you and you can talk to him to solve your problem whether it be big or little. If you don't believe me all you've got to do is try it. Go ahead and see for yourself, see that it works. Why Did it Have to Happen to me? - Google Books. Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2011 at Wade Hylton's blog
Sometimes we get downhearted and feel like giving up but whenever that happens you must remember that God is inside of you and you can talk to him to solve your problem whether it be big or little. If you don't believe me all you've got to do is try it. Go ahead and see for yourself, see that it works. Why Did it Have to Happen to me? - Google Books. Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2011 at Wade Hylton's blog
Wade Hilton was born in Jamaica, but grew up in Baltimore, Maryland. He was schooled at Loyola College where he actually began to write, and for fun. He has since then written a series of eleven books, out of joy, as he likes to put it, because it wasn't until 1985 that he managed to publish his first book Success For All. It was then that Hilton, influenced by Napoleon Hill, started preaching the law of success through a positive mental attitude, plain to see throughout all his books, especially Goddess of the Arawaks. There is one thinking stuff that... Continue reading
Reblogged May 4, 2011 at Wade Hylton's blog
Wade Hilton was born in Jamaica, but grew up in Baltimore, Maryland. He was schooled at Loyola College where he actually began to write, and for fun. He has since then written a series of eleven books, out of joy, as he likes to put it, because it wasn't until 1985 that he managed to publish his first book Success For All. It was then that Hilton, influenced by Napoleon Hill, started preaching the law of success through a positive mental attitude, plain to see throughout all his books, especially Goddess of the Arawaks. There is one thinking stuff that... Continue reading
Reblogged May 4, 2011 at Wade Hylton's blog
If you really want to conquer the web, you have to change your marketing strategy from location to information. Find out the keywords that are related to product or ccause and use them to provide information for your potential clients. They see you as friendly and warm and will most likely accept the information you're providing them. Stop thinking the old-fashioned way making a hard sell and start of with new way of ddoing on the Internet, which is helping people find what they want with information and they will inturn help you get what you want. wade... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at Wade Hylton's blog
Wade Hilton added a favorite at Wade Hylton's blog
Mar 12, 2011
I'm glad I've found a way to make money online while conserving the opportunity to to promote my books. SurfMoney is an authentic way to reach financial freedom because it's nothing but people gifting one another. take a look at the link and convice yourself: Why Did it Have to Happen to me? eBook: Wade Hilton, WadeRoss Publishing, Anna Siegel, Sara Sanchez: Kindle Store. Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2011 at Wade Hylton's blog
Gwen & Gwenette has brought me joy and happiness now that it's on a lot of people's tongues all around the world. I'd love for you to read it and let me know if you agree with all those who think it's an uncommon proposal. Gwen & Gwenette (Unabridged) (Gwen and Gwenette) eBook: Wade Hilton, WadeRoss Publishing, Anna Siegel: Books. Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2010 at Wade Hylton's blog
It's incredible how many tools we have around us and still don't how to use them. A lot of us don't even know they're there to begin. Some seem to be able to detect a few of them, while the vast majority have no idea of their existence.When God took on the form of humankind, He allotted them to us to enable us to live our best life. It therefore should be the obligation of each and every one of us to help our fellow being to know about them so he or she can use them to live free... Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 10, 2010 at Wade Hylton's blog
It's incredible how many tools we have around us and still don't how to use them. A lot of us don't even know they're there to begin. Some seem to be able to detect a few of them, while the vast majority have no idea of their existence. When God took on the form of humankind, He allotted them to us to enable us to live our best life. It therefore should be the obligation of each and every one of us to help our fellow being to know about them so he or she can use them to live... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2010 at Wade Hylton's blog
I'm showing off my family in an attempt to draw traffic to my books. This is the final stage of my online endeavor for I can now print and distribute the books all by myself. There's no reason to believe I won't be able to sell them in the same token.
can someone tell Oprah winfrey about at least one of my books? Wade Hilton: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle. Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at Wade Hylton's blog
Paris Hilton, the hotels are always on this page. By the way, are they booking more rooms than I'm selling more books? Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2010 at Wade Hylton's blog
I've been using my online business to get more people to read, and little by little the numbers are growing. More and more people are getting into the habit of reading. Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2010 at Wade Hylton's blog
Google has done a good job by helping me launch the books everywhere I can. All I have to do now is make people read them. That, I'll certainly take some time to find the best strategic plan to carry it out for I know that the books stand for pleasant reading. I invite you to see for yourself, and you can't say no until you see. Besides, Google has made it so easy for you to take a look at my books. They've landed them on every seach engine you can think of and this has given them the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2010 at Wade Hylton's blog
I'm using every trick in the book to carry out the final phase of my online endeavor, marketing the books. When my first book came out, I thought, or was made to believe, that it would sell itself on the bookshelves. I had no idea that that was a terrible mistake until years later. Authors have to go out there nowadays and market their books: Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2010 at Wade Hylton's blog
Wade Hilton is now following lisbonlifestyle
Apr 3, 2010