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Tivoli (Rome), Italy
I love Paris Hilton so much. She's my icon and I'll support her forever.
Interests: a lot!
Recent Activity
Hi, Paris!!!! (@ParisHilton) I haven't been on the community for a while, because i'm always busy with college. I know that you can understand that because you are a successful businesswoman and you are always busy with your many projects... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Paris, I love the new website and the iPhone app!!!!! You deserve the best birthday ever!!!! Seeing you happy means the world to me! I love you Proncess!
IaiaLovesParis added a photo at Paris Hilton
Hi, Paris! I haven't been on the community for a while, I was very busy at college but you can understand me because you're always busy with your million projects! :) But I had to stop here and show you my love on your Birthday!!!! Today is the most important day of the year, because God sent you to us! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PRINCESS PARIS!!!!!! I love you sooo much! xoxo Ilaria :)
Feb 17, 2011
IaiaLovesParis added a photo at Paris Hilton
MERRY CHRISTMAS PARIS! I want you to have a beautiful and happy Christmas with your family, Cy and your loved ones. You deserve the best from this world for what you've done and what you are doing and for being one of the sweetest and best people i've ever seen in this world. I want to thank you for being in this world bringing happiness to me and the other Little Hiltons and to people who needs a smile in their life. Even if we've never met I can feel you by my side - in my heart, in my soul and my thoughts - every day. I always thank God for giving me an amazing family like mine and for letting me find a special person like you. A SPECIAL AND HUGE MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! xoxo Ilaria :)
Dec 25, 2010
Thank you Paris for letting us know it! This is such an amazing idea!!!! I don't have an iPhone but since the iPod Touch is similar to it, can the application work on it as well?
Hey, Paris! I'm sorry I haven't been too much lately but I'm trying to be here as much as I can because You, Paris, are the best girl I've ever seen and you are my idol! But even if i can't write and share my love for you here sometimes, I know for sure that you are always in my heart and my thoughts! I love you so much Paris Best fans to the person in the world! xoxo Ilaria :)
IaiaLovesParis added a photo at Paris Hilton
If I write it or if I don't Dear Paris, you are my world! Paris, I love you soooooooo much xoxo Ilaria :)
Nov 5, 2010
I bought The Simple Life's Box! This show is amazing!!!!!!!!!! xoxo
Toggle Commented Oct 25, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 25, 2010
She's the most fabulous girl in the world!
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
So true! =)
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a photo at Paris Hilton
Paris was so stunning last night! I'm always right when I say "The beauty walks" any time I see Paris! She's beautiful and classy! The best! xoxo Ilaria :)
Oct 24, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a photo at Paris Hilton
Hey, @ParisHilton! This is a portray of you I drew weeks ago...I hope you like it! You're the best subject someone can draw!!!! You are the real meaning of beauty!!!! You inspire me in everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope I can meet you one day: this is my dream! And I hope I can give this drawing to you in person... I love you sooooooooo much! I'll never stop loving you and supporting you xoxo Ilaria :)
Oct 23, 2010
IaiaLovesParis added a photo at Paris Hilton
Hi, Paris! I've haven't been at the community and talked in so long, but I was busy with insane college's schedule...but you are always in my thoughts: every morning while i'm having breakfast I check twitter on my ipod to read your tweets...They always put a smile on my face and they help me start the day with more energy...You are really the person I love most and inspire me most...I love the way you are as person: you are beautiful inside and out, sweet, nice, smart, an hard worker, caring, funny You are very inspirational. Especially, I love how funny you are (your smile is like the sun who shines on the world!) and then I love you because you care about people in need for real You've never used your charity work as publicity: you do it only because it's something that comes up from your heart - you really care about anyone you have been helping. Many people say you don't do charity and they believe in the fake things media always say about you but they don't know the truth: you are not that kind of person who need to spread the word about doing charity and this is the thing of you I love most. Everything you do, you do because you care. I do want to meet you, Paris, because I really want to share part of my life with someone special and inspirational like you. Have a beautiful day...I love you so much Princess xoxo Ilaria :)
Oct 23, 2010