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Linda Hahn
Recent Activity
Lolly, thanks for the idea--think I might make 2 of those for Avery's(GD) birthday in September. We have double front doors and I was wondering what to do with the doors on her party day!!
Skinny Mini Wreath
Hello friends! This is Lolly and today I'll be sharing how I made a super skinny tealish wreath!!! The reason I had to make it skinny is because my front door is actually comprised of two doors... the main one (which is a heavy wooden door with a glass center) and the outer one... which is j...
So cute, Rhonda!!
Another Garden Glove project....
Hello again from the Front Porch! I have another Garden Glove Project to share with you! This project was designed by Rhonda Merry. She is one of our amazingly-talented Front Porch designers! I just love this project, glove, scissors, chicken wire, and all! Take a look... It features the name...
Linda Hahn is now following Cindy
Jul 28, 2010
Linda Hahn is now following The Typepad Team
May 23, 2010
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