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Iamallen0620 is now following souris
Oct 16, 2011
Iamallen0620 is now following Andson0620
Oct 16, 2011
5/28 test
1. What students can do to relieve their home sick?
2. The school should add more unrelated courses to students class or not.
3. The proposed suggests the dean limit students only take four classes instead of five classes. The boy supports this because students can spend more time on participate into club and learn how to use school resource to do research.
4. The concept of after thinking. People would like to think about the consequence before take the real action. The professor's exp is pick up his daughter gift but he found a real nice jacket.
5. The boy is planning to fly back home but he found difficulty in how to get to the airport. Either by train or taxi. There is no train on the early morning of the departure day. Instead he coils takes the train the midnight of the day before the departure but he could spend a night in airport. Taxi is too expensive.
6. The insect would like to find two ways to storage the food for their egg. A storage of food or a location near the food source. The workouts build a nest for food storage. The butterfly would like to lay eggs near the location with many eatable leaves.
5/28 test
5/28 test 1. What students can do to relieve their home sick? 2. The school should add more unrelated courses to students class or not. 3. The proposed suggests the dean limit students only take four classes instead of five classes. The boy supports this because students can spend more time on p...
5/28 test
5/28 test 1. What students can do to relieve their home sick? 2. The school should add more unrelated courses to students class or not. 3. The proposed suggests the dean limit students only take four classes instead of five classes. The boy supports this because students can spend more... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2011 at Iamallen0620's blog
q4 practice transcript The general topic is this article is how the mosquitos can gigest the warm blood with the higher temperature. The author is presenting a study. In this study scientists found out that one kind of protein which is produced by mosquitos plays an important role in the degustive fundtion.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2011 at Iamallen0620's blog
Iamallen0620 is now following Auren Hoffman
Mar 8, 2011
I will take a hot bath when i get a cold. taking a hot bath can make me sweat and sweating can lower the body temperature. The hot water can make me relaxed and comfortable. But be sure do not fall in sleep.
What do you do when you're sick other than rest or medication?
New blog new begin. Wish every one can keep their record in his amazing life. Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2011 at Iamallen0620's blog
Iamallen0620 is now following Account Deleted
Mar 3, 2011
Iamallen0620 is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 3, 2011
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