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Ian Schafer
New York
Founder and CEO of Deep Focus.
Recent Activity
A nice way to present key stats that speak to social vs. traditional media. Hello, marketers, I'm Social Media. Look at your traditional marketing; now back to me; now back at your traditional marketing; now back to me. via Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 6, 2010 at
It’s sometimes a matter of faith to see a certain future looking at the same facts in which others see nothing — or worse, the opposite. But this is what entrepreneurs do, and the wildly successful ones see potential in... Continue reading
Reblogged Nov 7, 2010 at
@edward: Provocative was the M.O. :) I think agencies can do both, to a degree. Scale can be achieved through engagement. And agencies that can make that happen will wind up leading brands. The pure reach/frequency aspect of advertising will always be important. But the need for that to be delivered at cheaper and cheaper prices will force that part of the business to be marginalized and commoditized. And that's fine, because it makes engagement that much more special/important. I think if any agency is demonstrating that engagement IS just as important as scale it's Mullen. You guys are setting a great example.
Toggle Commented Oct 25, 2010 on The Engagement Agency Manifesto at
1 reply
You may have caught the news this morning, but in case you haven't, here it is, and I'm very excited to give it to you. Deep Focus has joined forces with Engine as Engine USA's first agency in the US.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 19, 2010 at
The Engagement Agency Manifesto from Deep Focus on Vimeo. **This is cross-posted over at** For decades, brands have approached marketing with a goal of migrating consumers through what we know as the decision funnel: awareness, interest, desire, and action.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2010 at
Insight from the brilliant Tom Cunniff on why it is difficult to get digital innovation funded. In my agency days, I was often mystified by the gap between what clients said they wanted and what they actually bought. But after... Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 6, 2010 at
I was thinking about this today... We have referred to television as lean-back media. We have referred to the PC as lean-forward media. We have referred to smartphones as media wherever you are. Tablet computing (iPad, etc.) is lean back... Continue reading
Posted Sep 21, 2010 at
Here's an up-to-the-minute of what I'm either speaking at or attending during Advertising Week 2010 in NYC from 9/27 - 10/1. Want to meet? Just send me an @reply on Twitter (@ischafer). Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2010 at
I had a great time on panel with Graham Lawlor, Founder of Ultra Light Startups, Greg Galant of Sawhorse Media, Dennis Yu of BlitzLocal and Matt Kelly of Facebook. Check out what went down in these two videos. It hopped... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2010 at
A couple of months back, during Internet Week NYC, I sat on a panel called (and discussing) The Future of Location Based Marketing. I was proud to share the stage with: Moderator: Erick Schonfeld, Co-Editor, Techcrunch (@erickschonfeld) Panelists: + Ian... Continue reading
Posted Aug 26, 2010 at
The ever-brilliant Caroline McCarthy posted a story today on companies rolling-out badge programs to reward things that do not involve location. The problem with the rush to "reward" consumers with badges and stickers is that they eventually diminish in value... Continue reading
Posted Jul 28, 2010 at
I've previously asserted that Facebook Credits were going to take on a bigger and bigger role for the social networking behemoth. And it's happening. According to All Facebook, you can now earn Facebook Credits. As the Facebook Credits page puts... Continue reading
Posted Jul 28, 2010 at
This story was originally featured in Advertising Age. If you start looking closely, there have been a series of developments that are pointing to Facebook Credits, Facebook's "virtual" currency, becoming something much bigger than what it is today. One way... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2010 at
I love it because it shows naked conversation. But if you're a brand, you should know that this can happen. I say, embrace it, and use it to get better or engage in conversations about how to do it. Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2010 at
Last week, I spoke at MediaPost's OMMA: Social on the topic of using social media to build an audience and drive engagement with content, brands, and between consumers. Here's the full video in unedited glory: Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2010 at
Deep Focus is hiring! As we revamp the official website, it was actually quicker to post some recent job openings here. Besides, if you see them here we all know you read my blog (or did at least once) and... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2010 at
Here's the full video of me and awesome panelists Arin Crumley (FOUR EYED MONSTERS), Jason Spingarn-Koff (LIFE 2.0), Ryan Werner (IFC), and Nina Paley (SITA SINGS THE BLUES) at Scott Kirsner's THE CONVERSATION conference back in March here in NYC.... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2010 at
Remember the computer network in THE TERMINATOR that progressively got so smart, it became sentient and thusly attempted to annihilate the human race? That network was called Skynet, and its goal was to remove the possibility of human error and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at
Thanks to MediaBistro and AgencySpy for letting me talk about the advertising and marketing opportunities that Location-Based Services (like Foursquare, and Gowalla) are bringing to light, and for the opportunity to tell the world a little bit more about GEOFocus,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at
On Tuesday, I gave this presentation at the NAA MediaXchange. The topic was how social media can be used to generate revenue for newspapers. I think it can do more than that. Putting Social Media To Work For Newspapers View... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2010 at
The news is out there. We have just unwrapped our latest creation, GEOFocus, a unique marketing practice devoted to location-based marketing. This has been in development for nearly a year, and we've been hard at work making partnerships and technologies... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2010 at
After playing around with the iPad for 36 hours (with some sleep mixed in), I can honestly say that the device is pretty impressive. The screen is beautiful and sensitive, everything is screaming fast, and the battery life is what... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2010 at
Here's a video of my panel discussion at the 4A's Transformation 2010 conference, called "How Social Media is Transforming Everything". Pretty big canvas to paint on. We hit on a lot, but not everything. Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2010 at
Check out my latest DigitalNext post in AdAge that starts off with a little something like this: I've been going to the South by Southwest conference (SXSW) for several years now, and every year it gets bigger. This year was... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2010 at
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Mar 15, 2010