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Devon, England
Blonde, loves to shop, loves to smile
Interests: shopping!!! family!!! friends!!!!
Recent Activity
My home city has had a earthquake and im stuck in...
My home city has had a earthquake and im stuck in england...i wana go back to New Zealand now to give my family a hug!!!! Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Paris you need to get your shoes over here in England too!!!!! I am desperate for the Pink Croc bow heels!!!!!!! Im going to save save save!!!!
Paris, i love your shoe line. its so amazing and...
Paris, i love your shoe line. its so amazing and so many beautiful shoes. if i had the money, i would buy them all. Sad that alot of websites that sells them, dont offer international shipping or they dont have my size :( Maybe one day i will be able to own my favorite pair of shoes from your gor...
Stephanie added a photo at Paris Hilton
Sep 3, 2010
Paris!!! My home in Christchurch New Zealand has...
Paris!!! My home in Christchurch New Zealand has been hit by a 7.1 earthquake. Im 21, and living in England, all of my family are in Christchurch and are ok.....thank goodness. My poor city is broken. i feel so helpless.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Hey :)
Would you please be able to give me her fan mail address please?
Ahhhhhh Paris i sent you a present!!!! Its going...
Ahhhhhh Paris i sent you a present!!!! Its going to get there tomorrow!!! PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU GOT IT! Love you sooooo much <3
Stephanie is now following Paris Hilton
Apr 6, 2010
Stephanie is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 6, 2010
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