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Fujisawa Japan
Associate Professor, Daito Bunka University
Interests: Japan, International Relations, UK, Peacekeeping, Civil-Military Relations, Defence, Security, History, Asia, Europe, Commonwealth, US, Media
Recent Activity
Aussiemandias: Part 2
Well, we enter week three of the Australia visit, and the students have been doing very well, and have been highly evaluated by their English teacher, Edwina. Their skills are not all of the highest level, but they appear to be working diligently in class, and are relatively easy to... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2016 at Garren's blog
Aussified: Part 1
On the Gold Coast in Australia for a week now, and all is fine. The start of this Aussie odyssey was a bit…odd, as the flight was delayed from Haneda and we were obviously going to miss our connection in Sydney for Brisbane. It was only in the afternoon of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2016 at Garren's blog
17 April 2016: Bigger Crisis, but not better
17 April Well, no blogging for 11 months and then two in three days, what is the world coming to? Well, that is what a disaster does. And the previous blog posting about Kumamoto marvelled at the power of the quake and yet the relatively small number of casualties. Well,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2016 at Garren's blog
A domestic crisis, far away: 14 April 2016
“Yes, the blog has been away, AWOL for months, due to working to finish a book and the grind of daily employed work, and the getting out of the habit frankly.” Yes, that was written eleven months ago, and there has been an awful lot of inactivity ever since. So,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2016 at Garren's blog
11 May 2015: Post-Election Post-election-blues
11th May 2015 The election campaign and depressing results have finally provoked me to rise from my torpor and blog. Yes, the blog has been away, AWOL for months, due to working to finish a book and the grind of daily employed work, and the getting out of the habit... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2015 at Garren's blog
10th November 2014: Awash With Watersheds
10th November 2014 Awash With Watersheds The past couple of weeks have felt like a series of watersheds in Japan. Turning of the tide would be too strong a phrase, but certainly the river seems to be flowing in a very different way now to what it was a few... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2014 at Garren's blog
19th September 2014: And then there was one
19th September 2014 And the votes are counted, the results are in, and the elation, jubilation, and anxiety have all dissipated. Scotland voted No, against independence and for continuing within the Union. Not easy to know who is most disappointed. Alex Salmond, SNP leader and Yes vote architect must be... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2014 at Garren's blog
17th September 2014: Time to Get My Coat?
17th September 2014 And the blog has been away so long perhaps it may have seemed that it had faded into the past. How remnants from the past have a way of returning for unexpected reasons. Separatism, nationalism, and the whiff of rebellion are such remnants, lots of Rob Roy... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2014 at Garren's blog
Declarations of Media Independence: 4th July 2014
4th July 2014 Apologies for the lack of blogging activity. Simply too much else to do. Writing, reading, and sitting with eyes like saucers agog at the varied wonderment that is the stuff of life here in Japan. The past few days have provided enough for several PhD theses on... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2014 at Garren's blog
The Time of Our Lives: 28th March 2014
Greetings from Japan, A year passes and life continues. That year can seem so short, and yet so eventful and important that it can also seem to have lasted longer than any other year since childhood, when each day seemed so long. I am just completing my eleventh year as... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2014 at Garren's blog
First of January 2014: Meet the New Year, Same as the Old Year?
1st January 2014 The end is the beginning. When we look back upon the events of a year slipping away, as most of the world’s media seem obsessed with doing, a great many events crop up that many of us had forgotten or even now wonder whether they were really... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2013 at Garren's blog
28th November 2013: All Up in the Air
28th November 2013 Another month in Cambridge and another Cambridge-like period of time. What be that? Well, where else could you spend Tuesday (26th) morning sat side by side with a fellow (German) academic friend over tea at 8:30am comparing news stories on respective computers on the dining table at... Continue reading
Posted Nov 28, 2013 at Garren's blog
25th October 2013: A week of historical reconsideration
25th October 2013 Yet again, the blog has been otherwise occupied for so long it almost can’t remember what it feels like to obsess about obscure topics of interest to perhaps a select and slightly disturbed half-dozen souls spread across multiple continents. Almost. This week, however, has provided a sufficient... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2013 at Garren's blog
5 August 2013: Male, Female? East, West? Calm, Emotional? And a Nazi joke.
5th August A long time since the blog spoke forth. This posting will sum up a number of issues and trends, so please skip the bits that seem of limited interest, as there might (just possibly might) be something of more interest further down. There is security, lots of Japan... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2013 at Garren's blog
11th June 2013: Privileged Information
11th June 2013 Privileged information Here in Cambridge there has been an MI5 briefing, a Vice Chancellor’s Garden Party, and a farewell to research colleagues. One of the most outstanding aspects of the news has been the sense of privilege felt by some for themselves, and by others of others,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2013 at Garren's blog
15th May 2013: The mean spirits of the comfort issue, near and far
15th May A very odd combination of experiences and stimuli in Cambridge, Britain, and Japan these days. Armed police have been patrolling Luton streets. Scenes from Brazilian flavella transported to Bedfordshire, and a regular town of little note other than an airport near London and once a centre of car... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2013 at Garren's blog
14th April 2013: The passing of an icon, but the remnant of a legacy (Revised)
14th April 2013 The queen is dead. Long live the Queen. Yes, Mrs T, the Iron Lady, Maggie (Maggie, Maggie, Out, Out, Out!) is no more, having rather oddly slipped from this realm while in a room at the Ritz hotel, in lieu of a care home, a most fitting... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2013 at Garren's blog
10th April 2013: The passing of an icon, but the remnant of a legacy
10th April 2013 The queen is dead. Long live the Queen. Yes, Mrs T, the Iron Lady, Maggie (Maggie, Maggie, Out, Out, Out!) is no more, having rather oddly slipped from this realm while in a room at the Ritz hotel, in lieu of a care home, a most fitting... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2013 at Garren's blog
30th March: Eastern warmth to North-eastern chill
30th March Well, the blog has now moved west. Yes, 27th March was the day when the combined forces of Daito Bunka University, JR, and KLM propelled me and a mound of baggage (of roughly equal mass, but very different volume) from Japan (cold and damp, at about 10C) via... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2013 at Garren's blog
12th March 2013: Anniversary Astonishment Absence
12th March 2013 How easily some are astonished, and yet how easily the senses of most are dulled by the astonishing around them. The second anniversary of the Triple Crisis in Japan passed with most of the nation feeling mildly sad and contemplative, yet there were few utterances of astonishment.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2013 at Garren's blog
23rd February: Nationalists, charlatans, and legacies
23rd February The Senkaku worries rumble on, like an upset stomach being fed cabbage water and pale ale, with somewhat alarmist scenario writers tempered by the moderating views of pacific sages: we are either on the verge of Asian/world war, or else these are mere teething pains with babies fighting... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2013 at Garren's blog
5th February: Look Out, Locked On!
5thFebruary Look out, Locked on Well, it had to happen sometime, but it seems that someone has escalated the troubles that China and Japan face in the East China Sea. No-one has been hurt, and no weapons have been used, other than a psychological weapon. A Chinese frigate, of the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2013 at Garren's blog
3rd February: Aiming Low
3rd February 2013 Aiming Low The new age of Abe has witnessed a series of milestones over the past week. The new administration was swept into power due to dissatisfaction with the general competence of the DPJ-led government, and particularly with the government’s seemingly powerlessness to lift the economy out... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2013 at Garren's blog
24th January: Flying High, Flying Low and the Algerian Tragedy
24th January Flying High, Flying Low The Abe government has continued its battle against badness everywhere that it sees it, including in the Japanese economy. The vice-supremo in this battle is none other than former-Olympian, playboy, Catholic, and all-round odd bloke Aso Taro. Last Friday, when Abe was away visiting... Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2013 at Garren's blog
3rd January: New Year, New Serpents, Less People
A new year and so much to look forward to in the year of the snake. There will be a lot more room in Japan, now that the population has fallen by the greatest amount in one year since 1947, when such records began, falling by an estimated 212,000, and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2013 at Garren's blog
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