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Tom Denford
Founding Partner, ID COMMS Ltd
Interests: using communications to solve business problems, finding a 'new way' and making sure everyone is happier about what they do!
Recent Activity
None of them should win (I'm still cringing, but not in a good way). Babies will win, it contains genuine (and therefore shareable) emotion. They're all crap though, but you knew that.
1 reply
For the first time ever we are able to actually see people talking about brands, in text rather than speech, in real time, no matter where that conversation is taking place in the world. That’s pretty cool. But that's not why you should be excited. Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2010 at M&M
Having these 5 rules top of mind when you enter an agency pitch or when you are negotiating the agency's remuneration will help. Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2010 at M&M
Ensuring that the agency has no direct income advantage in recommending one medium over another or one media owner over another. Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2010 at M&M
Good media performance is no longer just about media discounts. Continue reading
Posted May 14, 2010 at M&M
Most agencies are still being paid by commission. Here's why that's a rotten idea. Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2010 at M&M
Is the co-operative about to become the most desirable brand credential? Yes indeed. Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2010 at M&M
Tom Denford is now following George Parker
May 5, 2010
A bit like Schrödinger’s cat, but easier to comprehend. Continue reading
My day to write for the 3six5 duly arrived yesterday and I made the following post. Slightly shmaltzy perhaps but heartfelt nonetheless... Continue reading
Just at a point where adidas need Adebayor, he is broadcast lovingly praising the Nike boot of his team mate. Continue reading
No self-promotion? Pah! Time to break the rules... Continue reading
Co-incidental then that debate also rages about the demise of advertising and its own potential relegation from the top table Continue reading
Ben only had a window of a few days to be able to do this and keep it fun and relevant. Continue reading
They makes me sounds like a bit of a nutter or even a stalker... Continue reading
I won't do it justice by explaining it, just watch. There is no nudity on this one but he does use the word MF Continue reading
It made me chuckle to read Private Eye's comment on the recent win by WPP of the Central Office of Information media business (COI is the UKs largest advertiser by spend, essentially government messaging, some say party political, some might... Continue reading
Is this a very generous way of marketing your new book John? Continue reading
Free standard delivery in Soho area. Bulk discounts available apparently. Continue reading
Create visions and models for modern business by participating in the redesign. Every day. Continue reading
So Unilever chose MindShare. The beginning or the end of the pain? Continue reading
I urge any of you with traditional roles in large media and marketing companies to rub up against a few students now and then Continue reading
Over all these years spent in close proximity I have successfully avoided ever seeing Stef naked. Until last Thursday that is. Continue reading