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Hey Steve,
I extend an invitation to you and all the 10th Internet Identity Workshop - coming up in May in Mountain View.
It began as a small group in 2005 just 80 of us and now is still small we had 180 at our last workshop. It is an open forum - where the agenda is creative live and attracts top product managers from all the major social / web platforms (Google, AOL, Yahoo!, Facebook, MySpace, MSN, Apple, Plaxo, PayPal) more enterprise players (SUN, Oracle, MSFT, Boeing, Cisco, Adobe, Equifax, Axiom etc.) and most importantly independent individuals committed to open standards that empower people on the web along with and small startups innovating.
Because the Agenda is created live at the event it is very current and deals with emerging issue - and the topics are not defined necessarily by the established leaders but by anyone in the community.
We are committed to accessibility and keep our prices very low - it is $150 for independents and $300 for corporate attendees and this includes 3 meals a day for 3 days. If prices is still an issue talk to us and we can work something out. :)
- Kaliya
The Future of DiSo
Recently [Chris Messina](, my co-conspirator in the [Diso Project](, announced that he's joining Google as an Open Web Advocate. Shortly thereafter, [Will Norris]( announced that he, too, had been hired by Google to w...
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Feb 17, 2010
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