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Iftekharul Haque
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Well-said. This follows the argument that rather than spreading the net wide and more expansive (and expensive) than it ought to be, focus on your strengths (these 2 reserves); more tiger saved per dollar spent.
Tiger parts demand, though, remains inelastic, and history bears this out. This plan is a good medium-term strategy, I would agree, but has no end-game. 4,000 is still a small population at the end of it, and expanding reserves down the line and relocating animals will still pose the same problem it is now: it's too expensive to maintain so many reserves. And just 2 reserves puts too many eggs into too few baskets. Sudden population collapse due to disease would pose too great a risk to the species.
Allowing legal hunting of tigers for sustainable tiger-derived products, and using those revenues for conservation would preserve the species, as the case-in-point with alligators in the Babbage post pointed out. I don't see a strong counter-argument to that as a sustainable long-term strategy.
Saving the tiger, cost: 82 million dollars a year
With the recent summit meeting on the conservation of the tiger, the largest cat in Asia is suddenly back in the news. The numbers, as always, are dismal: according to the BBC, there are now 60% as many tigers in the wild as there were in the year 2000. Of the 3,500 tigers remaining in the wild,...
Iftekharul Haque is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 26, 2010
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