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Isobel Hoskins
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Mushrooms, delicious or deadly?
By Wendie Norris Content Editor at CABI Yunnan sudden death syndrome occurs in remote mountainous villages of the Yunnan province of China in the rainy season, at an altitude of 1800-2400 m: people just drop dead from heart failure. You might think its linked to the season...some waterborne or insect-carried... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Millennium Development Goals - where next?
This week the UN debated the progress made on the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). They are much criticised but represent an unprecedented international agreement on what needs to be done to improve mankind's lot. The question is what does the world do after 2015, the date set for achieving... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Sustainable food doesn’t mean saying no to technology
The First Sustainable Food Chain Summit last week gave a clear message that to provide food sustainably we need to use technology to bridge the gap between available resources and the amount of food we need to produce. As well as recommending the use of technology, to increase shelf life... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Cutting the Salt
Salt reduction is a hot topic at the moment in the US and the UK as officials react to research that suggests decreasing salt intake could decrease levels of stroke in the population. Consumers can do a lot to reduce the salt they consume, but as most of salt consumption... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
HIV transmission and maize consumption in subSaharan Africa
Contributed by CABI Content Manager Alexis Rendell-Dunn: A BBC World Service news item alerted me this morning to a landmark study hypothesizing a link between consumption of fumonisin-contaminated maize and HIV transmission. The report suggested that HIV rates in subSaharan Africa could be significantly reduced by altering food consumption patterns... Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Nanotechnology, Miracle or Menace?
This debut blog is contributed by our editorial intern Elizabeth Milway, an Oxford University graduate with a background in biochemstry & bionanotechnology. Recently wherever I turn nanotechnology keeps cropping up! At first I thought - maybe it’s one of those things where once you’ve noticed something you can’t stop noticing... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Roasted grasshopper with a sprinkling of termites
Contributed by Content Editor Katherine Cameron: Chances are if you’re European you don’t make a habit of eating insects. When you have eaten them it was probably by mistake, maybe whilst enjoying a leisurely summer bike ride or, if you’re an entomology/ecology student, whilst pootering for insect samples. After a... Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Are you eating more eggs?
Contributed by CABI Content Editor Rachel Wood It seems that many of us in the UK could be! According to the British Egg Information Service there has been a rise in egg sales of around 5% this year and, over Easter, sales rocketed to their highest levels for more than... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Vitamin D and flu
Contributed by CABI Content Editor Rachel Wood: Since my recent post on the growing health claims for vitamin D (see: Bring on the sunshine!), the 'sunshine vitamin' has continued to appear in the headlines. Of note is a study from Japan (just published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)1 suggesting... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Now wash your hands
Handwashing. So simple, so easy, and so effective at preventing the spread of diseases. Use soap and water, rub all surfaces of the hand while singing Happy Birthday twice! The result? Up to 50% reduced diarrhoea and respiratory infections. Handwashing is the most cost effective health activity there is, says... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Bring on the sunshine!
Contributed by CABI Content Editor Rachel Wood: I have recently come across a number of interesting articles highlighting the health benefits of maintaining sufficient/high levels of vitamin D. The headlines grabbing my attention include: UK experts calling for milk to be fortified to halt a rise in rickets; high levels... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Feeding the world - another way....
How to feed more people in the same sized world has been an issue for a few decades now, the green revolution of pesticides and intensive breeding got the world over a hurdle after WW2 and now people are wondering how to improve again - will GM have the answer?... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Where now for GM food in India?
Contributed by CABI Content Editor Dave Simpson India has this week deferred commercial cultivation of what would have been its first genetically modified (GM) food crop. Production of Bt aubergine has been put on hold while further research is done. India has grown transgenic cotton since 2002, and GM varieties... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
UK launches new food security strategy
Contributed by CABI Content Editor Dave Simpson Earlier this week, the UK's Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor John Beddington, launched a new science strategy to help improve the security and sustainability of Britain's food system. It quickly disappeared from the news agenda here as the UK ground to a halt in... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Dark chocolate this Christmas?
Contributed by CABI Content Editor Rachel Wood: With a complete lack of imagination, at least one person in my family normally receives a chocolate gift from me each Christmas. Should I find myself uninspired again this year, maybe I can convince a recipient of some good quality dark chocolate, that... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Motiviation to give up meat? (and save the planet, maybe)
My colleagues and I have blogged about how eating less meat could reduce one's carbon footprint. But how to motivate people to do this is a problem - people like meat. Here is a reason for men to consider giving up meat - I stumbled over it while searching on... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
Slow progress in tackling world hunger
The Global Hunger Index (GHI) Report released for World Food Day today shows that progress in fighting hunger remains slow. This year the report released by the International Food Policy Research Institute highlights gender inequality as a factor in food insecurity. The Global Hunger Index ranks countries on three leading... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at CABI Food and Nutrition Hotspot
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