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Pacific NW
Mythologist, Social Media Analyst, Researcher & Writer
Interests: Technology, Mythology, Current Events, Meta-Cognition, Cloud Technology, Startups, Social Media, Skiing, Music, Gaming, Photography
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I can't help but notice your use of spacing in this piece. Silence, the non-use of words and the use of non-words in communication, is also culture.
It seems as if you are posting provocative words and asking questions to start-up an intellectual dialogue. The Socratic Method is a dialectical exchange of ideas--like a debate. Despite your definition and later disavowing of the N-word, now it's is connected to you via search.
We self-edit as we write because we are acutely aware of search engines. Whether to write SEO optimized-copy or to avoid trouble, their effect on speech and written language must be profound. I think that using forbidden words in a post will reduce the number of people willing to engage in the conversation. I get where you are coming from, but search engines are binary, and don't really provide context or point of view.
I had a hard time commenting on this post because it contains the n-word. In my opinion, using it distracts the reader and detracts from the thesis. So much negative energy and cultural history is aroused by that word, that I would not have included it in this post.
I could imagine feeling less concern writing about that word in its own post. The N-word has so much historical and cultural baggage that it is hard to justify using it and doing justice to it as part of a list.
Strange how I didn't formally react to the use of Hitler...
Words = Culture
Words = Culture Words Are 'principal carriers of meaning,' powerful beyond comprehension. Building blocks. Tools of expression. Significance filters. Words matter. They always have and now amidst a globally connected web community, they matter more; if that's possible. Culture A ...
Listening at the feet of WordPress Master, Bob...
Listening at the feet of WordPress Master, Bob Dunn at #SMCSeaED learning the differences between and Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2010 at Kirste's blog
You can never publish in too many places,...
You can never publish in too many places, apparently. Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2009 at Kirste's blog
Kirste is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 29, 2009
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