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Brian should be commended for his selfless great seva he is doing.
He is the ultimate sevedar doing the guru's tough ask work. By hosting this site he's contributing to keeping all those highly intelligent and scrutinizing analysts of falsified guru worship far from the path.
Their place is here in the hallowed halls of critical thinking.
Most definitely not at any audience with any fake teachers who teach their followers to still their thoughts and concentrate at a point between their shut eyes.
More details surface about financial fraud involving RSSB guru
I readily admit that it's difficult to keep track of the complex web of financial wrongdoing that ended up with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of rupees being funneled into the pockets of Gurinder Singh Dhillon (guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas), his family, and close associates. But tho...
There was no original religion to rebel against, perhaps for you there might have been. Why I should return to any 'original religion' that died with it's founders is just a dumb kind of concept.
I got to conclude you're just plain dumb because your supposed intelligence is warped by your grandiose blindly duped intellect.
More details surface about financial fraud involving RSSB guru
I readily admit that it's difficult to keep track of the complex web of financial wrongdoing that ended up with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of rupees being funneled into the pockets of Gurinder Singh Dhillon (guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas), his family, and close associates. But tho...
No I'm just curious about how you became so enlightened to realize guruhood is such a diabolical sham.
You must either have a sixth sense or special illuminated insight to recognize fake gurus (on the outside of course - notwithstanding it's highly unlikely you ever met anyone on the inside).
Assuming your elevated intelligence has such a keen sense of knowing truth from falsehood and your BS radar is obviously far keener than those other poor 4,000,000 suckers who don't have your special gifts.
More details surface about financial fraud involving RSSB guru
I readily admit that it's difficult to keep track of the complex web of financial wrongdoing that ended up with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of rupees being funneled into the pockets of Gurinder Singh Dhillon (guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas), his family, and close associates. But tho...
Out of 4,000,000 initiated there's 1,2,3,4 and 1/2 enlightened clear sighted free thinkers in here, must be one hell of an eye opener to realize how stupid and gullible they all once were.
More details surface about financial fraud involving RSSB guru
I readily admit that it's difficult to keep track of the complex web of financial wrongdoing that ended up with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of rupees being funneled into the pockets of Gurinder Singh Dhillon (guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas), his family, and close associates. But tho...
I also wannabe an enlightened Xer guru hater freedom thinker
Where do I sign up to the elevated club?
More details surface about financial fraud involving RSSB guru
I readily admit that it's difficult to keep track of the complex web of financial wrongdoing that ended up with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of rupees being funneled into the pockets of Gurinder Singh Dhillon (guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas), his family, and close associates. But tho...
It would be best for anyone who has a sincere respect for honesty to follow through with the lady Gupta's advice and confront the 'alleged' perpetrator of said crimes directly in person. Then they'll at least get an answer which either satisfy their 'curiosity' or vilification of their accusations, or not.
Otherwise it remains hearsay, subject to assumptions and personal projection of preconceived opinion.
More details surface about financial fraud involving RSSB guru
I readily admit that it's difficult to keep track of the complex web of financial wrongdoing that ended up with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of rupees being funneled into the pockets of Gurinder Singh Dhillon (guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas), his family, and close associates. But tho...
Difference is Anon was there, Brian Spence and Jesse were not. So by defacto contrast the person who has a direct personal experience is far more credible in their judgment and perception than anyone operates via 3rd person reporting, especially if the 3rd person also has some axe to grind in presenting the 'report' for ulterior motivation of misplaced 'interest'.
More details surface about financial fraud involving RSSB guru
I readily admit that it's difficult to keep track of the complex web of financial wrongdoing that ended up with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of rupees being funneled into the pockets of Gurinder Singh Dhillon (guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas), his family, and close associates. But tho...
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May 22, 2019
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