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Mommy Shorts
New York City
Creative Director, Design Junkie, Closet Copywriter, Brand New Mom
Interests: Advertising, design, decor, my baby girl and too much television
Recent Activity
Say Goodbye to my Current Blog Design
I was expecting to wake up today with my new site design launched, but alas, there is a little hold-up with my host provider (or something like that) and it's not going to happen for one more day. So, that at least gives me the chance to say a proper... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
Disappointment is the Worst Possible Smell
Congratulations to Janel, who fought hard to win an $1000 Target gift card and a year supply of Method Air Refreshers with the headline above! May your children never have to smell disappointment again. Also failure. And broken promises. And oh yes, BURNT COOKIES. I actually like burnt cookies, so... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
Oh, you are one of THOSE. I've met your kind before.
Carnival Rides Make Me Puke in 2D
Remember a few years ago, when I took Mazzy on a kiddie park ride called the "Happy Swing" and almost lost my lunch in mid-air? And then I finally understood why my mother insisted I go on all the rides with my dad, while she waited on the ground? She wasn't lame or afraid. SHE KNEW THE LIMITS...
Carnival Rides Make Me Puke in 2D
Remember a few years ago, when I took Mazzy on a kiddie park ride called the "Happy Swing" and almost lost my lunch in mid-air? And then I finally understood why my mother insisted I go on all the rides with my dad, while she waited on the ground? She... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
Chef Mazzy is Taking Orders in the Kitchen
Giveaway: $250 of MightyNest Kitchen Tools and Tableware When I was little, one of my favorite things to do with my mom in the kitchen was make "Chicken on the Beach". It's just breaded chicken cutlets fried in a pan, but my mother created this whole story to make it... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
Oh my god, my world is changed forever.
I Hated When My Dad Shaved His Beard Too
I remember when my dad shaved the beard he had worn for my entire life. It was life-altering and devastating. And I was about 25-years-old at the time. It was night and I remember a strange man walking up to our house through the darkness. My sister and I were standing in the doorway and we bo...
I Hated When My Dad Shaved His Beard Too
I remember when my dad shaved the beard he had worn for my entire life. It was life-altering and devastating. And I was about 25-years-old at the time. It was night and I remember a strange man walking up to our house through the darkness. My sister and I were... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
30 New Members of the Picky Eaters Club
It's good to know Mazzy and Harlow aren't the only members of the Picky Eaters Club. In fact, it might be possible there are children with far stranger food hang-ups than my kids. Not pickier, because that would be impossible, but at least Mazzy and Harlow don't ask to dip... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
Book of Mormon was the best show on earth. But yeah, probably the least appropriate show for a child. I wouldn't even take a high school kid to Book of Mormon!
8 Things You Should Know About Mazzy's First Trip to a Broadway Show
Grammy and I took Mazzy to see the Lion King on Sunday. It was her first Broadway Show. Wondering if a four-year-old is old enough for a three hour stage performance? Here's what I can tell you about the experience... 1) Mazzy hit her knee on the car door before we went into the theater and de...
Harlow's First Day of Pre-Pre-School
Mazzy isn't the only one around here growing up and getting a new school schedule. Yesterday was Harlow's first day of school too. It's a toddler drop-off class that meets for 2.5 hours twice a week at Mazzy's old preschool. We debated whether to send her or wait another year,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
She really does like broccoli! Broccoli, tomatoes and red peppers. Harlow likes them all too. Those are their vegetables of choice.
Mazzy and I are Living in Cartoonland!
Mazzy and I are starring in a new video for American Express! Well, it’s not actually us. It’s the animated versions of us. Which might be even better. It’s about the time I bought a new printer and Mazzy thought it was magic. I guess when a kid sees photos on a computer or an iPhone her entir...
Mazzy and I are Living in Cartoonland!
Mazzy and I are starring in a new video for American Express! Well, it’s not actually us. It’s the animated versions of us. Which might be even better. It’s about the time I bought a new printer and Mazzy thought it was magic. I guess when a kid sees photos... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
8 Things You Should Know About Mazzy's First Trip to a Broadway Show
Grammy and I took Mazzy to see the Lion King on Sunday. It was her first Broadway Show. Wondering if a four-year-old is old enough for a three hour stage performance? Here's what I can tell you about the experience... 1) Mazzy hit her knee on the car door before... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
It's you! I shortened a few to fit the template.
Horrible Household Smells: The Finals!
Yesterday, I sat in my office saying things like, "which one is worse— a burger in the floor vent or a bag of salad exploding in the trunk?" and "is an old cat with a bowel disorder funny gross? or just gross gross?" It was hard narrowing down your most horrible and most hilarious smells to te...
Yep- I see your photos in the hashtag!
Get Out of My Bed, Please
Photo Contest: Serta Mattress with Adjustable Foundation ($5000) Shortly after Mazzy transitioned from her crib to her toddler bed, she had an epiphany. Why in the world would she stay in her own bed when she could very easily get up, open her door and wander into bed with mom and dad? Our bed...
He didn't care the last time so let's hope dignity doesn't get the better of him this time around!
Get Out of My Bed, Please
Photo Contest: Serta Mattress with Adjustable Foundation ($5000) Shortly after Mazzy transitioned from her crib to her toddler bed, she had an epiphany. Why in the world would she stay in her own bed when she could very easily get up, open her door and wander into bed with mom and dad? Our bed...
Ha. #getoutofmybed was already a pretty popular hashtag on Instagram so I needed another word to make it mine. "Now" would have worked just as well!
Get Out of My Bed, Please
Photo Contest: Serta Mattress with Adjustable Foundation ($5000) Shortly after Mazzy transitioned from her crib to her toddler bed, she had an epiphany. Why in the world would she stay in her own bed when she could very easily get up, open her door and wander into bed with mom and dad? Our bed...
Get Out of My Bed, Please
Photo Contest: Serta Mattress with Adjustable Foundation ($5000) Shortly after Mazzy transitioned from her crib to her toddler bed, she had an epiphany. Why in the world would she stay in her own bed when she could very easily get up, open her door and wander into bed with mom... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
Monday Morning with Anna
"Monday Mornings" aims to prove there is beauty in every mother's morning, even if we need an outsider to see it. Thanks to a partnership with Allstate, I am flying lifestyle photographer Raquel Bianca across the US to document the morning routines of twelve mothers in five different cities. This... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
Mom/Artist Turns Toddler's Scribbles into Works of Art
When Mazzy draws something, I tend to leave it out on the kitchen counter for a few days so I can oooh and aaah over it and then, when I am certain she isn't paying attention, I transfer that masterpiece into the trash. Sure, there are a few things I... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
Huh. I could see it earlier. I wonder if the parent changed the settings?
Time Lapse of a Little Girl Walking to School for Two Plus Years
With every approaching baby milestone comes the opportunity to create a time lapse video to wow family, friends and the internet at large. And then parents with less foresight will say, "Why didn't I think to take photos of my wife sucking in the air of a balloon throughout her pregnancy until...
36 Kids Who Were Less Than Enthused About Their First Day of School
After I published the many many pics it took to get Mazzy's perfect "first day of kindergarten" photo, I asked fans of my facebook page to submit their less-than-stellar outtakes as well. Not the one photo they chose to represent their child's back-to-school moment and post online for all their... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
Time Lapse of a Little Girl Walking to School for Two Plus Years
With every approaching baby milestone comes the opportunity to create a time lapse video to wow family, friends and the internet at large. And then parents with less foresight will say, "Why didn't I think to take photos of my wife sucking in the air of a balloon throughout her... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
The mom who intimidated me the most Mazzy's first day of preschool is now one of my best friends. It's Seri from Little Miss Party (if you follow my blog regularly, you probably hear me mention her a lot) and we share an office now. It will be ok!
How to Make Mom Friends in One Easy Step
Two of my favorite internet people, Karen from Baby Sideburns and Elle from What's Up Moms got together to tell a little story (a true story) about making mom friends. MORAL: If you see another mom you want to get to know at the playground, talk to her and ask for her number. She won't think y...
Horrible Household Smells: The Finals!
Yesterday, I sat in my office saying things like, "which one is worse— a burger in the floor vent or a bag of salad exploding in the trunk?" and "is an old cat with a bowel disorder funny gross? or just gross gross?" It was hard narrowing down your most... Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2014 at Mommy Shorts
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