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Isabel Maxwell
Technology Pioneer, Entrepreneur, Peace Activist, Philanthropist
Interests: Middle East, Oceans, Climate Change, Environment, Social Ventures in Israel
Recent Activity
For this week's blog I have an inspiring update for under-served populations everywhere from my last blog post - from the IVN - Israel Venture Network Conference that just completed in Israel while Iron Dome was doing its thing in the skies above... You can click on that below -... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2012 at Isabel Maxwell's New Blog
Isabel Maxwell added a favorite at Isabel Maxwell's New Blog
Nov 12, 2012
Thanks, Yes I do know about TIE group, and now I will go check out their SIG - My 6 years of managing, growing and developing the Social Entrepreneur Fellowship Program of IVN ( has now evolved into expanding work and effort around social enterprise and investing in social enterprises. Very exciting. If you will be in IL on November 20th, we are hosting a large conference on Social Investing with Ronald Cohen and Glenn Yago and other great speakers - Happy to send you or others an invite!
Isabel Maxwell is now following Down the Avenue
Nov 11, 2012
I went to Istanbul, Turkey, just the other week to deliver a Keynote speech on Social Investing. The Conference was WEBIT Here is a photo I took of modern Istanbul and below a photo of me talking to the Moderator of my Talk: #BenRooney of the Wall Street Journal Ben... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2012 at Isabel Maxwell's New Blog
The Foster care system globally is getting a helping hand from Ryan Blankshire who talks about her project here with colleague Eytan Altman. Ryan's goal is to give the Foster Care system and issues, much more coverage than they currently have. Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2011 at down the avenue
Delta Gallil and CEO Isaac Dabah are an amazing success story in intimate apparel. Founded by Dov Lautman, the Company is a model of leadership in co-existence employment and corporate responsibility. Making new fabrics using real lasting cotton results in garments looking like new after 30 washes. Suits that Delta Galil created have won 16 medals in the Winter Olympics. Delta is the # 1 producer of intimate apparel in the U.S. with 110 stores in Israel. 40% of the men's underwear market share is under the Delta Brand, 50% market share is in socks, and 15-20% is in ladies' underwear.Lance Kalish, Chief Carrot Counter at Yes To Carrots was founded in Israel in 2006 with six products across 16 stores. Today, they are in 28,000 stores, and are the fastest Beauty Brand in the world. "We have redefined the way the world looks at natural beauty," says Kalish. He adds, "we are the YES company in the NO environment. When asked how they grew so fast, he says, "we understood our limitations and we ignored them. We also do whatever it takes to get it done." Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2010 at down the avenue
SanDisk CEO and Founder Eli Harari reviews the Company's 22 years history at today's Israel Conference. in Los Angeles at the Luxe Hotel. Founded in 1988 by three immigrants from IL, China and India, they had a venture backed IPO in 1995. Today, they have 3,300 employees worldwide, they tout 240,000 retail outlets throughout the world, with global operations in China, Japan, Milpitas, CA, and India and their 2009 revenues were at $3.57 billion. They have developed a global standard for digital film and storage systems, as well as memory cells for mobile phones. With their partnership with Toshiba, they manufacture about 40% of the world's output of Flash Memory. Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2010 at down the avenue
Networking break at today's Israel Conference. Below, Don Levy of Sony Pictures and Yitz Applbaum of The Westly Group. Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2010 at down the avenue
Isabel Maxwell is now following The Typepad Team
May 26, 2010